Who’s That Girl?


While watching “The Case of the Ill-Fated Faker” (1960) last night, towards the end of the episode, Perry asks cocktail waitress “Francis Banks” to stand, at which point confessions started to fly. It was an outstanding episode, but when Ms. Banks arose, I immediately thought it was Lola Albright from Peter Gunn, but since the actress was un-credited, and never spoke or smiled, we may never know. To stir the pot, I rewound the episode and took a screen shot. Is it Lola?

EDIT (02/21/24): Sometime after posting this queation, the imdb was updated to claim it was Donna Hayes, but it shows she only showed in one episode, The Case of the Envious Editor. I’ll admit here is a resemblance, so, who knows?

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12 thoughts on “Who’s That Girl?

    1. No it’s not Joan Tabor. It’s Donna Hayes. She is also in the Perry Mason episode with James Coburn as a smut editor.

  1. I found out! She’s also a model in the case of the envious editor. Her name is Donna Hayes and only has three acting credits with not much information.

  2. Definitely not Lola Albright. I am considered something of an expert on Miss Albright and her life and career. I have hundreds of photos of her from the forties up to the nineties and this is definitely not her.

  3. I do not believe it is Lola Albright. But whoever she is, she is darned attractive. Please somebody figure out who it is!

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