Adapted story, produced, played leading part in “War of the Worlds,” which thousands of radio fans believed real. Today he “deeply regrets” program designed as entertainment cause listeners to believe attack of Martians on earth was real catastrophe.
This is NOT a picture of something that really happened. It’s an artist’s imaginative picture of what New York city would look like from the sky if it were struck by an asteroid or death rocket like the one described by English Author H. G. Wells in the fantasy “War of the Worlds” he wrote in 1898. The story described an imaginary attack of armies from Mars on the Earth. They come to Earth in “space capsules,” devastate Earth with their death ray. But because Mas is a germless planet, Martians fall victims to Earth’s bacteria and all life dis appears from the planet.
Wrote “War of the Worlds,” fantasy that inspired motion pictures radio serials, comic strips, even clothes. Today says he gave no permission to make the story seem like real news. Other famous Wells fantasies are “The Time Machine” and “Things to Come.”