Fighters From Mars, 1897

If you are curious to learn how it was that the Martians destroyed large portions of New York City, Killed hundreds and thousands of men, women and children, and devastated the beautiful valley of the Hudson, only to fall a prey to a foe they failed to recognize, you will find all of this information in “Fighters from Mars,” the opening chapters of which will be printed in the Evening Journal on Wednesday, December 15. The Illustrations are both graphic and accurate

Edison’s Conquest of Mars, 1898

Edison’s Conquest of Mars was an illustrated serial story that started its weekly publication on Sunday February 4th, 1898 and ran through April 10th, 1898  (later published in book form in 1947). The novel was an unauthorized sequel to H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds”

If you feel like reading the story, it is available at

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