Bile Beans

Bile Beans was a laxative and tonic first marketed in the 1890s. The product supposedly contained substances extracted from a hitherto unknown vegetable source by a fictitious chemist known as Charles Forde. In the early years Bile Beans were marketed as “Charles Forde’s Bile Beans for Biliousness”, and sales relied heavily on newspaper advertisements. Among other cure-all claims, Bile Beans promised to “disperse unwanted fat” and “purify and enrich the blood”. (Wikipedia)

Hays Code, 1934

In 1934 The MPAA voluntarily passed the Motion Picture Production Code, more generally known as the Hays Code, largely to avoid governmental regulation. The code prevented certain plot lines and imagery from films and in publicity materials produced by the MPAA. Among others, there was to be no cleavage, no lace underthings, no drugs or drinking, no corpses, and no on getting away with a crime.

A.L Schafer, the head photographer at Columbia, took a photo that intentionally incorporated all of the 10 banned items into one image.

The photo was clandestinely passed around among photographers and publicists in Hollywood as a method of symbolic protest to the Hays Code. (Jordan)

Land That Time Forgot, 2018

BALTIMORE – Edgar Rice Burroughs’ The Land That Time Forgot comes to comics in July 2016, and will bring fans of the series a brand new chapter in the timeless classic that has thrilled readers for the past century. This original tale will introduce new readers to the savage land of Caspak and remind those who’ve been there before just what they’ve been missing.

Under license from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc, American Mythology Productions (AM) will launch The Land That Time Forgot as a full-color, 32-page comic book featuring favorite characters from the original series plus some new surprises.

The first issue is featured in the comics section of the April 2016 edition of PREVIEWS from Diamond Comic Distributors, listed under “American Mythology Productions,” on pages #204 – 205. It carries a $3.99 U.S. cover price. Continue reading “Land That Time Forgot, 2018”