A Planet for Texas, by H. Beam Piper and John J. McGuire, cover art by by Arthur Renshaw 1958, original art below.
Continue reading “A Planet for Texas”Pulp Action from the Wild West through the Dirty 30s and More.
A Planet for Texas, by H. Beam Piper and John J. McGuire, cover art by by Arthur Renshaw 1958, original art below.
Continue reading “A Planet for Texas”Teenagers from a rural community and their high school science teacher join forces to battle a giant mutant spider. (IMDb.com)
Narrator: The Screaming Skull is a motion picture that reaches its climax in shocking horror. Its impact is so terrifying that it may have an unforeseen affect. It may kill you. Therefore its producers feel they must secure free burial services to anyone who dies of fright while seeing The Screaming Skull!
We advertise our failures, but the Soviets don’t. For all we know, Moscow’s scientists and engineers did try to shoot a rocket to the moon last November 7, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Communist seizure of power in Russia, but failed.
You will recall that for a while, during that weekend, some mysterious radio signals were heard from outer space. They were not accountable by the two Sputniks, and soon they faded out.
We may surmise that, in their try for the moon, the Soviet shooting team took a wrong aim, and that the rocket they fired is now either orbiting around the sun or is lost in space…