A Night of Horror, 1886

(Edited for length… Mr Oufle, hosting a party at carnival time, and quite drunk, decides to wear his son’s masquerade costume, which was a combination of a suit of green and gold, intended as a foresters dress; a costume of the time of Francois L, covered with spangles; and last, but not least, a bear-skin suit, so contrived that the wearer of it was covered with fur from head to foot, and looked precisely like a black-bear escaped from a traveling caravan.)

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Here there be Giants!

The Red Haired Giants of Lovelock Cave, Nevada

Giant mummy found in Lovelock cave (below). The Paiute tribe found in the Nevada region have an ancient legend of the Si-Te-Cah (or Tule-eaters), a race of red-haired cannibalistic giants. In 1886, a mining engineer named John T. Reid heard the tale and begane to investigate, however news traveled quickly that the cave was also full of bat guano, a key component for gunpowder and ladies cosmetics.

Continue reading “Here there be Giants!”