Spione (Spies) 1928


Spione (Spies) is a silent film classic by Fritz Lang, based on a story written by Thea Von Harbou.

The mastermind behind a ubiquitous spy operation learns of a dangerous romance between a Russian lady in his employ and a dashing agent from the government’s secret service (IMDb.com).
In one review, further down the IMDb page, the movie is aptly described as the granddaddy of all spy films, The movie’s runtime clocks in a 2-1/2 hours.

Sensational theft of documents, French Embassy, Shanghi..

The assassination of Minister of Trade

The evil mastermind (shown with prop money used in another Lang film, Metropolis)

Metropolis movie posters plastered on the wall

Dr. Matsumoto in a compromising position…

Could our hero survive such a wreck?

The chase ends in the lobby of the Hotel Atlantic

The final scene… Curtains!

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