Modern Mechanix, March, 1934. Cover art by George Rozen (1895-1974)

Above: Original artwork used for the cover of Modern Mechanix
Below: Composite of images found in the article, including cutaway view of the station, possible locations of stations in the Gulf of Mexico, and Dr. John R Brinkley, the man behind the proposed floating radio stations.
“Here is the artist’s conception of how the broadcasting stations now proposed for sea use may look. Water forms a perfect ground for broadcasting purposes and it is freely predicted that outlaw stations, those denied the privilege of broadcasting on United States soil, would attain even greater coverage if they had proper equipment anchored outside the 12-mile zone on the Gulf of Mexico. Below, left, are seen several of the huge new tubes which will be used in feeding 500,000 watts power into WLW ’s antenna. Outlaws are already planning to compete with this huge output.”