Lets Roll, Kato…
Detective World, May, 1950
Tanya Roberts
Tanya Roberts October 15, 1955 – Jan 5, 2021Tanya Roberts with Stacy Keach as his secretary Velda in Murder Me, Murder You, 1983
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Liberty Magazine, Jan 21st, 1939
Dr. Yen Sin, Sept, 1936
New Detective, Jan, 1946
Best Swishes for the New Year
1967 was a Good Year
January, 1900
Antikamnia Chemical Company (1890-1930) named after its patent medicine Antikamnia was an American pharmaceutical company based in St. Louis, Missouri that manufactured supposed cures for pains with the main ingredient being acetanilid, which was known to be toxic in high doses or in sensitive individuals. (Wikipedia)