Ghost Stories, October/November, 1931. Cover by Carl Pfeufer
That’s Mystery!
Rondo Hatton
Christ the Redeemer
Consolidated Commodore flying over the construction of the Christ the Redeemer statue, Rio De Janeiro, 1930.
Ghost Stories, Jan, 1932
Screaming Skull, 1958
Narrator: The Screaming Skull is a motion picture that reaches its climax in shocking horror. Its impact is so terrifying that it may have an unforeseen affect. It may kill you. Therefore its producers feel they must secure free burial services to anyone who dies of fright while seeing The Screaming Skull!
The Unseen, Mar, 1953
I’ll Kill You Next
The Cat Girl, 1957
Leonora Johnson is a woman who returns to her ancestral home and is told she will inherit money, but also that there is a family curse: being possessed by the spirit of a leopard in spite of her disbelieving psychiatrist Dr. Brian Marlowe. (IMDb)
Monstrosity, 1963
A rich but unscrupulous old woman plots with a scientist to have her brain implanted in the skull of a sexy young woman. (IMDb)