Bile Beans

Bile Beans was a laxative and tonic first marketed in the 1890s. The product supposedly contained substances extracted from a hitherto unknown vegetable source by a fictitious chemist known as Charles Forde. In the early years Bile Beans were marketed as “Charles Forde’s Bile Beans for Biliousness”, and sales relied heavily on newspaper advertisements. Among other cure-all claims, Bile Beans promised to “disperse unwanted fat” and “purify and enrich the blood”. (Wikipedia)

The Wild Bunch, 1901

Wild Bunch (left to right): Harry Longabaugh (Sundance Kid), Bill Carver, Ben Kilpatrick, Harvey Logan (Kid Curry), and Butch Cassidy.

I wanted to post this is in memory of my wife Kim, who passed away 5 years ago today.
Besides being a avid reader, writer and historical buff, she was also a gamer who ran a great game of Deadlands.
Kim’s favorite character in the wild west was Harvey Logan (standing, on the right). We went on many trips out west to visit the sights haunted by his and other outlaw’s ghosts.