Post Cards

A couple of scans of the backs of postcards, for use as props or whatever you fancy. Unknown dates, probably 1907-1917.

Postage Rates for stamped cards and postcards (in cents) 1873-1951

05/12/1873 – 1¢ (see Note Below)
11/02/1917 – 2¢
07/01/1919 – 1¢
04/15/1925 – 1¢ for stamped cards; 2¢ for postcards
07/01/1928 – 1¢
01/01/1952 – 2¢
Continue reading “Post Cards”

Mystic Maze, Hotel Del Monte

The Hotel Del Monte was a large resort hotel in Monterey, California, from its opening in 1880 until 1942. It was one of the finest luxury hotels in North America.


The hotel itself is an imposing white building, with red tile roofing. it has a 120 ft.tall, Spanish style tower, a huge, 200 ft. dining room and there are hidden passageways that wind around the building’s old walls. Upstairs, as was the custom of upper crust hotels, there is a large ballroom.

Iron Whale, 1933

Iron Whale Swims Ocean Bottom Like Fish

Denizens in the ocean depths may soon find prowling among their haunts a huge iron monster swimming with fishlike motions and bearing a close resemblance to themselves. This strange monster is to be built from plans devised by Herr Schiff, a German engineer, who has already constructed a workable model for his astounding brainchild, which is shown in accompanying photos. The curious undersea craft is equipped with two fins and a tail which operate in the same manner as do these elements of a live fish. Intended chiefly for the exploration of the ocean bottom, the ship is said to be capable of maneuvering with all the flexibility of its fleshy prototype. Two electric eyes placed in the head for observation purposes make the resemblance to a sea serpent more complete. The craft was designed and constructed after an extensive study of the swimming motions of many types of fish, particularly the larger sharks and whales. (Illustration by Norman Saunders)

Greetings from California

First of many postcard scans that I will be adding, all found in a CREMO Cigar box that belonged to my grandfather. Dates range from early 1900s to the 1950s. Though there are probably close to a thousand postcards in the box, I will only be posting the most interesting.