Dick Tracy, 1937

Dick Tracy’s foe for this serial is the crime boss and masked mystery villain The Spider/The Lame One (both names are used) and his Spider Ring. In the process of various crimes, including using his flying wing and sound weapon to destroy the Bay Bridge in San Francisco and stealing an experimental “speed plane”, The Spider captures Dick Tracy’s brother, Gordon. The Spider’s minion, Dr. Moloch, performs a brain operation on Gordon Tracy to turn him evil, making him secretly part of the Spider Ring and so turning brother against brother. (Wikipedia)

The Monster and The Ape, 1945

The Monster and the Ape was the 26th serial released by Columbia Pictures and was released in 1945. The Monster of the title is the “Metalogen Man”, a robot created by Professor Franklin Arnold. After displaying his invention, the robot is stolen by Professor Ernst with the aid of his trained ape, Thor. Ken Morgan leads the attempts to recover the stolen robot. (Wikipedia)

“A Weird Battle Against Crime!”

Wish you were here? c.1909

Originally named the Kansas State Penitentiary when the facility was authorized by the Kansas Constitution in 1859.

Executions of state, federal, and military prisoners were performed by hanging at KSP until 1965.

A few notable residents:

  • Emmett Dalton, of the Dalton Gang, was sentenced to life imprisonment after their Coffeyville, Kansas bank robbery attempt in 1892.
  • Harvey Bailey, “The Dean of American Bank Robbers” & cohort of Machine Gun Kelly.
  • Alvin Francis “Creepy Karpis” Karpowicz, met Fred Barker here and later formed the Barker-Karpis Gang (1931 to 1935).

Here there be Giants!

The Red Haired Giants of Lovelock Cave, Nevada

Giant mummy found in Lovelock cave (below). The Paiute tribe found in the Nevada region have an ancient legend of the Si-Te-Cah (or Tule-eaters), a race of red-haired cannibalistic giants. In 1886, a mining engineer named John T. Reid heard the tale and begane to investigate, however news traveled quickly that the cave was also full of bat guano, a key component for gunpowder and ladies cosmetics.

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