Secret of the Incas, 1955

An Inca legend says the Inca Empire was destroyed by the gods when a gold and jeweled star burst was stolen from the Temple of the Sun centuries ago, and the ancient civilization will spring anew when the treasure is returned. The natives want it but so does Harry Steele, an American adventurer of slightly-shady ways who wants it for personal gain, as does his adversary, a grizzled old man even more into skulduggery than Steele. (IMDb)

Hattuşaş, Hittite Empire

Hattuşaş was the capital of the Hittite empire from 2000 to 1180 BC. Today, impressive double walls, which are situated by the King’s Gate,the Lion Gate, the Sphinx Gate and the Yer Kapi (an underground tunnel), circle its ruins. The largest ruins are those of the great temple of the storm god Tesup.

Sphinx Gate – A pair of sphinxes found at the southern gate in Hattusa were taken for restoration to Germany in 1917. The better-preserved sphinx was returned to Istanbul in 1924 and was placed on display in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum, whereas the other remained in Germany and had been on display at the Pergamon Museum since 1934. The pair were finally reunited in 2011.
(Image: Shutterstock)

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New Union Station, Kansas City

New Union Station, Kansas City, Mo.
Cost of Building $6,000,000.00.
Cost of Terminal $44,000,000.00.
From Drawing by Teachener-Bartberger Eng. Co. Kansas City, Mo.

Union Station made headlines on June 17, 1933, as four lawmen were gunned down by gang members attempting to free captured fugitive Frank Nash. Nash was also killed in the gun battle. The “Kansas City Massacre” highlighted the lawlessness of Kansas City under the Pendergast Machine and resulted in the arming of all FBI agents. (Wikipedia)