Ava Gardner in promotional still, not sure whats going on though 😉
Dick Tracy’s Crime Stopper Lab
Make Mine a Remington…
Red Christmas
Barbara Nichols, 1954
Barbara Nichols (December 10, 1928 – October 5, 1976) was in two episodes of Batman; “Shoot a Crooked Arrow” (episode 35) & “Walk the Straight and Narrow” (episode 36) as Maid Marilyn.
Cruises, July, 1933
Wonder Stories, Fall, 1931
PEP Stories, Dec, 1932
Cog Road Engine
Post card with a photo of a Cog Road Engine which uses a cog and gear system to power itself up the steep slopes of Pike’s Peak.
Illustration of cog road engine with passenger car in tow up to the U.S. Signal Station. Altitude 14,147 ft.