Even the Soviets wanted in on the Snow Cruiser action, as seen on this Tekhnika Molodezhi cover.
The Shadow of Fate
There came the sound of a bell, deep and muffled. “Listen!” Colonel Manfred gasped, his eyes wide with terror, “there is someone moving without. Ah, look!” Inch by inch the door was opening, then a spectre form, gaunt and fantastic, glided into the room
Spring-Heeled Jack, 1904, issue #4
Black Beauty, 2011
“The vehicle is an homage to the Black Beauty driven by Van Williams in the original series. Rogen said the car’s weapons – which include rockets, mini-guns and a “big flame-thrower” – were upgraded for the film to make them more powerful. The original Black Beauty from the 1960s TV show was equipped with explosive charges, gas nozzles and a scanner.” – AP
photos: RR Auction
Weird Tales, Nov, 1935
Civilization on Mars, 1929
Astronomer Suspects High Type of Civilization on Mars
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), Feb 9, 1929
The inhabitants of the planet Mars are far more advanced in civilization than we are and “probably have achieved a universal democracy,” in the opinion of Dr. George R. Lockwood spoke last night at the central branch Y.M.C.A. 55 Hanson pl. (Brooklyn, NY)
“There is no reason why there is not intelligent life on different planets of the universe” Dr Lockwood said. “If there was a force to create life on this planet why should it not have worked to create life on others?” Continue reading “Civilization on Mars, 1929”
Tarzan at the Earth’s Core, Ace
Metropolis Fashion
For the film METROPOLIS, whose theme and design forge new paths, I was confronted with challenges of a totally new kind. It wasn’t enough to design the fashion of tomorrow already slumbering in today’s mind or, for that matter, slumbering in the day after tomorrow, certain to take shape in the minds of great fashion designers the next day. I had to create fashions of the year 2000 – a time that we think of as existing at a fantastic distance, and which, for that reason,can only take shape in one’s fantasy – Aenne Willkomm
Airplanes of Tomorrow? 1930
Green Hornet’s Insignia
Green Hornet Insignia from 1939 Continue reading “Green Hornet’s Insignia”