First Record Cover Art, 1939

Before this cover by Alex Steinweiss, most records came in a plain, brown, paper sleeve with a hole in the middle showing who the artist and song was. Steinweiss had a better idea. He took a cameraman to the city’s famous Imperial Theatre, where he convinced the owner to briefly change the signage of the marquee, and made history.
Smash Song Hits by Rodgers and Hart by Richard Rodgers and the Imperial Orchestra, Columbia Records (1939)

Black Beauty, 2011

“The vehicle is an homage to the Black Beauty driven by Van Williams in the original series. Rogen said the car’s weapons – which include rockets, mini-guns and a “big flame-thrower” – were upgraded for the film to make them more powerful. The original Black Beauty from the 1960s TV show was equipped with explosive charges, gas nozzles and a scanner.” – AP

photos: RR Auction