A Night of Horror, 1886

(Edited for length… Mr Oufle, hosting a party at carnival time, and quite drunk, decides to wear his son’s masquerade costume, which was a combination of a suit of green and gold, intended as a foresters dress; a costume of the time of Francois L, covered with spangles; and last, but not least, a bear-skin suit, so contrived that the wearer of it was covered with fur from head to foot, and looked precisely like a black-bear escaped from a traveling caravan.)

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Gilderfluke Perfected Locomotive, 1897

A spoof article written in the December issue of Locomotive Engineering, A Practical Journal of Railway Motive Power and Rolling Stock, by Eli Gilderfluke

The scope of this elaborate joke can be seen in the various components described below, Ive highlighted just a few of the many jokes, not to mention, the machine in the engraving would not be able to move thanks to the configuration of the wheels (52-57). Continue reading “Gilderfluke Perfected Locomotive, 1897”