Swiftly Acting Deadly Poison, 1936
Upon the toothbrush Tita squeezed the paste, not knowing that into it had been injected the fast acting deadly poison. – San Fransisco Examiner, March, 15, 1936
Dime Detective Magazine, April 1st, 1935
10,000 Times Bigger Than Earth, 1912
Gigantic Planets, the Captives of Strange Suns, Whose Nightmarish Creatures
Live In Air Thicker Than the Ocean Depths Where the Titanic Lies
By Professor Garrett P. Serviss, the Distinguished Astronomer.
Copyright, 1912, by American-Examiner. Great Britain Right Reserved.
Seein’ Stars, 1934
Beautiful Eyes, 1932
Exciting Comics, Sept, 1948
Searching for a Gigantosaurus, 1914
30 feet of neck on shoulders, 20 feet high
That’s What Newest Found Gigantosaurus Has, and Now the Scientists Are Going to Search For A Live One in Africa’s Swamps.
The Washington Herald, December 27, 1914
SUPPOSE a gigantosaurus with a length of a hundred feet and a height of twenty feet at the shoulders should come walking along the main street of the town! Wouldn’t It cause a little excitement? Continue reading “Searching for a Gigantosaurus, 1914”
Jungle Stories, Fall, 1944
Science Finds The Fabled Unicorn?