The Beast of Hollow Mountain, 1956

A dispute between two rangers takes a weird turn as some of Jimmy’s cattle goes missing, only to be found dead in a swamp. Legend has is that as the swamp dries up strange occurrences happen, in this case a T-Rex comes forth to wreck havoc. Unfortunately, we don’t see the monster until there is about 20 minutes left in the movie.

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Return of Chandu, 1934

A quirky serial staring Bela Lugosi. Princess Nadji of Egypt is targeted by the followers of Ubasti to resurrect their long dead High-priestess Ossana. Chandu must protect, and eventually rescue her from the cultist’s hands.

Though the action was not evenly paced, and some of the cliffhangers were questionable, the story itself is interesting. Overall a fun 12 parts serial, seeing Bela as a protagonist.

On a side note of interest, scenes from Lemuria are filmed on the former set of King Kong.

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