Colonel March of Scotland Yard

Based on a character in John Dickson Carr’s The Department of Queer Complaints, Boris Karloff plays detective Colonel March. In this 26 episode television series we find Colonel March solve “unsolvable” mysteries. Being only 30 minutes long the mysteries don’t go very deep and in in the case of at least one episode, had a very “Scooby Doo” vibe to it. As of this writing it is available on TUBI

The role of Colonel March allowed Boris, then age 65, to go back to England to go into semi-retirement and visit old friends.

Millions in Gold, 1916


New York, June 12 – Would you believe that big business men financiers and stock market operators of the super-wise Wall street clan would put up $125,000 to finance an expedition to search the bottom of the five oceans for lost treasure trove?

They have.

Continue reading “Millions in Gold, 1916”

Semana Santa, 1941

Semana Santa is the Spanish celebration for Holy Week leading up to Easter, which dates back to the 16th century when the Catholic Church decided to present the story of the Passion of Christ in a way that the layperson could understand. From that point on, scenes from the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ were told through a series of processions through the streets each year. (

Goebbels’ House, March 18, 1945

Pfc. Abraham Mirmelstein of Newport News, Virginia, holds the Holy Scroll as Capt. Manuel M. Poliakoff, and Cpl. Martin Willen, of Baltimore, Maryland, conduct services in Schloss Rheydt, former residence of Dr. Joseph Paul Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister, in Münchengladbach, Germany on March 18, 1945. They were the first Jewish services held east of the Rur River and were offered in memory of soldiers of the faith who were lost by the 29th Division, U.S. 9th Army. (Caption from The Atlantic photo essay)