Safety First
“Safety first” is the motto of Miss Mary Jayne of Keith’s circuit
Mary Jayne seated in rocking chair with pistol strapped to her knee, claiming exemption from concealed weapon regulation by saying her (Colt) thirty-two isn’t a concealed weapon in these days of knee-length skirts. (Library of Congress)
Keith’s circuit would eventually become the “K” in RKO pictures (Radio-Keith-Orpheum)
Brave and The Bold, July, 1983
The Ghost, Super Detective, Jan, 1940
Silk Stocking Stories. April, 1937
Best True Fact Detective, Sept, 1949
Deluge of Freak Aeroplanes
IF THE publishers of the Patent Office Gazette ever conclude to add a comic supplement to their weekly edition, we can supply them with all the material without their having to hunt in other divisions.” So spoke an official in the aeroplane and airship section of the examining division of the patent office at Washington, when asked as to the character of inventions now being offered for patent in this line.
“Before Wright startled the country with his flight of more than one hour over here at Fort Myer a couple of years ago,” continued the official, “there were not many applications of this kind filed. Since that time, however, they have steadily increased, until now we are getting them In at the rate of more than 150 a week. They are now far ahead of all other kinds of invention In number filed, and, I may add, in freakishness.
“The large majority offered are not allowed, and of these the public can know nothing. But these rejected ones have by no means a monopoly as examples of an unique form of lunacy. Continue reading “Deluge of Freak Aeroplanes”