He Has Long Been Acquainted With Oomaruru, a Woman Who Lives on Mars — Astronomers Have Only Themselves to Blame for Failure
LONDON Oct 28 — (AP) — Communicating with Mars may be nothing new after all for Dr Mansfield Robinson a London attorney who became a telepatist years ago declares he has a friend In Mars Oomaruru a woman from whom he has received messages and who has kept him Informed of what Is going on on the mystery planet.
Now he knows the Martians so Intimately he asserts as to be aware of what they look like and what they eat and can vouch for the fact that they use tobacco and drink tea.
Last night Dr Robinson handed Into the Central Radio office a message for Mars It was composed of two words “Opestinipitia Secomba” and was prefixed with three M’s It was explained to the sender that delivery could not be guaranteed. But this was agreeable the doctor being satisfied to take the risk:

Today Doctor Robinson announced that he had received a message from Oomaruru presumably in reply while ho was being Interviewed relative to tho failure of other persons to get into touch with’ Mars last night ‘ He declared that astronomers ‘and other scientists have only themselves to blame as “they simply do not know how to play the Martians’ game”
As to Oomaturu’s latest communication tho attorney remarked: “Oomaruru is a particular friend of the director of Mars’ largest wireless station She has Just explained to me why only the sign “MM” came through last evening She said that as the messages was in English and with English signs it would not convince scientists so the Martians decided to cease at the introductory signal”
The signal “MM” is reported to have been received by several radio listeners a few minutes after eight o’clock last night. Doctor Robinson having previously warned listeners to look for It ‘Thus for the telepathist has not considered it necessary to explain the meaning of the words of his message last night “opestinipitia secomba – for mere mortals here, for, he said: “Oomaruru surely understands” From his knowledge which he avows was received from Mars itself. Dr Robinson describes the Martians as people from seven to eight feet tall with large ears, a wealth of black hair and almond eyes giving them an Oriental cast of features. Not only do they drink tea and smoke but they have automobiles which hop and skip over the ground and almost fly and the stiffer the wind blows the faster the car goes.
As for aviation the people on Mother Earth are a thousand years behind the time, since the Mars pictured by the telepathist, enormous airships dart about all electrically propelled, the electrical power coming from the canals and mountain waterfalls
The Martians perfected wireless “long before Marconi was born.” The Martians are farther described as gentle and kindly with great mental power.
(From The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tennessee, Oct 29, 1926)