Mirror-Wise: A Precarious Story, 1944

(On back of leaflet)
Mirror-wise: A Precarious Story

Joan was in her room and just about to change because she intended to go to the Cinema with Bob. She had done that quite often since John, her husband had left for the front. Why should she? Bob is a good friend of John’s and he certainly wouldn’t object. Everybody understands that Joan cannot always sit at home alone for years without any companionship.

Yesterday, Bob came a little earlier than usual and entered Joan’s room just as she was adding the last touch of rouge. She didn’t mind his staying for they were really good friends – and so accustomed to each other.

As she rolled on her stockings, Bob told her all that he had done during business hours that day and then she noticed that the elbow of his jacket had a little grease spot; so she took it and cleaned it. What could anybody think wrong about that – among friends.

And then……. Neither knew how it happened, she felt his strong body leaning gently against her, and then, they kissed, for a long, long while.

Joan was in a dream, she was feeling that marvellous something that she had missed for so long, it was so wonderful.

Then she opened her eyes, and there was that horror before her. Was it a dream, or was it reality?

She looked in the mirror and saw…. John! John in the arms of another! In the arms of Death!

But no, it was not John embraced by Death, it was YOU, and it was not Joan looking in the mirror but YOUR wife.

Joan is still alone.

And so are all the millions of other wives and girls.

But war goes on.

(Nazi propaganda piece from 1944)

Nansei Shoto – A Pocket Guide, 1945

There’s no use giving you a sightseer’s guide to the Nansei Shoto, because after the navy and air forces have blasted the way for a landing on those islands, they just won’t look the same.
But since the islands themselves will still be there, and most of the people, the more you can find out about the people and how they live, the safer and more comfortable you will be.
Continue reading “Nansei Shoto – A Pocket Guide, 1945”

Lucy Busts A Spy Ring

In 1942, while driving home from filming Du Barry Was a Lady with Red Skelton at MGM, Lucille Ball recounts intercepting a radio transmission through her temporary dental fillings.

All of a sudden, my mouth started jumping. It wasn’t music this time, it was Morse code. It started softly, and then de-de-de-de-de-de. As soon as it started fading, I stopped the car and then started backing up until it was coming in full strength. DE-DE-DE-DE-DE-DE DE-DE-DE-DE! I tell you, I got the hell out of there real quick. The next day I told the MGM Security Office about it, and they called the FBI or something, and sure enough, they found an underground Japanese radio station. It was somebody’s gardener, but sure enough, they were spies.


Map Overlay, 1942

Overlay map of the European Theater over North America to show relative distances. Solid Black line between Murmansk and Rostov is the Eastern Front between Germany and the USSR[United States]. Army Orientation Course. Newsmap. Monday, May 25, 1942 : week of May 15 to May 22, poster, May 25, 1942; [Washington, D.C.]., University of North Texas Libraries, Digital Library, digital.library.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.