M.D.W. Jeffreys, M.A., Ph.D.
In September, 1939, the West African Review contained an article “Living Monster or Fabulous.Animal?” Readers will recollect that some years earlier there had been a type of “Challenger Expedition” into Central Africa to search the Iruwuni forests of the Belgian Congo for a huge, mysterious, antedeluvian monster. “Is the Brontosauros still alive in the morasses of the Congo?” were the headlines in some of the London papers. No report of the traces of any such monsters ever appeared, and I was not surprised. I had been right through the Belgian Congo in 1923, and had come into intimate contact with a number of what would be called Native Commissioners or District Officers in British territory, as well as with noted big-game hunters. None of these men, who were in positions to know before anyone else of the existence of such monsters, ever alluded to the possible existence of them. Yet stories do circulate among natives of animals never listed in any Museum. Continue reading “African Pterodactyls?”