1965 Motor Trend review of the new 1966 Imperial, the car used as the base for the Black Beauty.
Category: Transportation
1938 Graham
Aerodynamic beauties
Pullman Railplane
Magic Carpet For Christmas
Underground Nests, 1936
Underground Nests for War Airplanes

THE next war, all agree, will be a war in the air; and the advantage will be with the force striking the first blow. Obviously, the attack will be made on the fixed air bases of the other army, since that will inflict most damage from a military point of view. An airplane on the ground is quite helpless; and its hangars and shops are vulnerable. During the late war, battleships were kept at their bases to protect them while not engaged in battle with similar foes; but the ship always floats, while the airplane must spend most of its time grounded. (Science and Mechanics, Feb, 1936)
Iraqi State Railways Sign, 1925
Monorail, 1896
Inventors have for many years been working on what in known as a “single track” railway; that is, a system that would only have one traction rail and one overhead rail, the car to run beneath the two.
As long as the car was running on a straight track, all previous inventions seemed to do very well, but when curves were reached trouble began on account of the action of centrifugal force. As a consequence, they have been failures.
W,H, Boynton of Morris Park N.Y., is the inventor of a railway system that seems to overcome this great objection..
British Flyers, 1922
Route of the British Around-the-world Flyers
The course that the three aviators are expected to follow on their projected tour of the world in ninety days is indicated by the line of arrows on the map, starting and ending in London.
The photographs shown, left, Major W.T. Blake, leader of the expedition, and right Captain Norman MacMillian, one of his companions.
from New-York Tribune, May 28, 1922