Herr Zorn, a German inventor, has turned the worm into an airship, applying all the worm principles to navigation above ground instead of below. The Zorn airship is long and slender, with three parts which may be twisted In any direction, and uncoupled at will for separate maneuvers.
Category: Transportation
1935 Duesenberg Model-JN 560-2585
1935, Ford V-8
Seven Wonders of the World, 1908
The new wonders of the last few months are:
New York’s 48-story office building
The new 30,000-ton ocean greyhound Lusitania
The War airships being perfected in Europe
Marconi’s transatlantic wireless telegraphy
The powerful electric locomotive for railways
The camera phonograph.
Edison’s $1000 concrete house, built in 12 hours.
These are by no means the “seven wonders of the modern world,” they are the seven wonders of today
This is John Doe
1940 Chrysler Newport
Teardrop Car, 1936
Five Miles A Minute!
Auto Engine Drives Motorcycle at High Speed

Assembled especially for establishing a world’s record of over 300 miles per hour, and oversize motorcycle powered with an automobile engine has been making speed tests on the Pacific coast. the Motorcycle, weighing 1,500 pounds, is powered with a six-cylinder Plymouth automobile engine with fan and generator removed. With special timing and carburetor jets, the engine makes 4,100 revolutions per minute. The wheel-base is eighty-five inches and the overall length is 115 inches a standard motorcycle frame being lengthened and reinforced with steel tubing. Two large sprockets connected by a three-quarter inch chain facilitate steering, the handlebars having been moved back several inches from their original position. Two steel plates, one on each side in front of the rear wheel, serve as brakes by actual contact with the ground or track. They can be raised of lowered by a lever.