The King of Flexibility
Category: Transportation
Limousine Side Car, 1930
Imperial Airways, 1930s
Imperial passengers in 1934 could get from London to Singapore at a cost of £180 ($230.00). Included in the price was hotel accommodations, food, and nearly everything else but alcohol. The 8,458 mile trek took 8 days, making stops in Paris, Brindisi, Athens, Alexandria, Cairo, Gaza, Baghdad, Basra, Kuwait, Bahrain, Sharjah, Gwadar, Karachi, Jodhpur, Delhi, Cawnpore, Allabad, Calcutta, Akgats, Rangoon, Bangkok and Alor Star. Continue reading “Imperial Airways, 1930s”
A Two Cigarette Job, 1939
The repair job was so difficult it required two cigarettes to calm his nerves!
Continue reading “A Two Cigarette Job, 1939”
Car-‘phone, 1934
Soviet Glider Boat, 1937
Greyhound Bus Station, 1937
Oldsmobile 6 & 8, 1937
Bumblebee Craft, 1933
The bumblebee craft was the product of a Belgian inventor. It was a flying machine with an immense air-sack at the rear, looking like the segmented abdomen of an insect. In landing, the machine was supposed to drop backward to the ground, striking on this air-bag, the segments of which would telescope together to break the fall!