Category: Photo Album
Hitler’s Olympics, 1936
In 1931, the International Olympic Committee awarded the 1936 Summer Olympics to Berlin. The choice was meant to signal Germany’s return to the world community after defeat in World War I. Then Hitler & the Nazis rose to power… Continue reading “Hitler’s Olympics, 1936”
Radio Queen, 1939
Memorial Day
All gave some; Some gave all…
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Cars of the Indy 500, 1930s
Golden Gate Bridge Turns 80
Construction start: January 5, 1933, Construction end: April 19, 1937, Opened: May 27, 1937
Total length 8,981 ft (about 1.7 miles), Width 90 ft, Height 746 ft
Volkswagen Beetle’s Dark Past
In 1933 Adolf Hitler met with Ferdinand Porsche to discuss the development of a “Volks-Wagen” (“People Car”), a basic vehicle that should be capable of transporting two adults and three children at a speed of 100 km/h (62 mph), and which should cost no more than a 990 Richsmark (at an average income of 32RM/week).
Men’s Fashion, 1930s
Twill Suit, 1939
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