Category: Comics & Cartoons
Pieces of art, meant to tickle the funny-bone, tells a story, or to make a political statement, whether it be in a newspaper or a comic book.
Crime-Fighting Aids
It’s Been 35 Years Since…
Mr. Skygack, July 4, 1908
At this writing I am in comparative seclusion, owing to general eruptive conditions obtaining over extensive area of earth surface ~~ Earth-beings, old and young, in spells of frenzy carelessly throw packages of noise and destruction in unexpected places ~~ May be due to adverse planetary influences. P.S. ~~ Am in sore need of body covering.
Man and Machine, 1933
Couple of interesting cartoons depicting the effect machines and automation has had on man.
As the total population increased, the number of workers, of both sexes, represented by the height on one figure, kept pace with it; the population, however, increased four times as fast, raising the standard of living, though hours have been cut down by a third.
Mr. Skygack, Feb 17, 1908
Saw anxious earth-being and intelligent brute wandering aimlessly about in deserted region ~~ On one occasion cloud of fowl rose from ground ~~ Earth-being looked at them through long metal stick which exploded, frightening several fowl to death ~~ Earth-being placed them in large pocket.