She says “Please” and “Thank You”

She says “Please” and “Thank You”

The alert courteous voice of the telephone operator is known to all who use the telephone. To the little old lady in the shawl the man in the big house on the hill, or a tiny tot of 6, the words are the same, “Number, please” and “Thank you.” The Bell system appreciates your patronage and tries to deserve it. In everything that concerns telephone service, we hope you can say” “They’re nice people to do business with.”


170,000 Women are employed by the Bell System. More than half of the 315,000 employees of the Bell System are women. They are your friends and neighbors – living in every section of the country. Their average length of service is about 10 years. They play an importantpart in giving this country the best telephone service in the world.

See Superman In Color, 1939

Beginning next Sunday, the amazing exploits of SUPERMAN will be featured in color in the Adventure Section of the Sunday Post-Dispatch.

This super-hero flies faster than an airplane… he can outswim a speed boat and leap over sky-scrapers. He smashes steel like putty and runs faster than a speeding express train. Enlisted on the side of justice, he crusades constantly against the forces of evil.

For a Thrill Every Sunday, Follow SUPERMAN’S Adventures