Modern Mechanix, March, 1934. Cover art by George Rozen (1895-1974)
Continue reading “OUTLAWS MAY USE SUPER-STATIONS at Sea”Pulp Action from the Wild West through the Dirty 30s and More.
Adventures, characters and news stories to get the creative juices flowing!
Modern Mechanix, March, 1934. Cover art by George Rozen (1895-1974)
Continue reading “OUTLAWS MAY USE SUPER-STATIONS at Sea”New York, June 12 – Would you believe that big business men financiers and stock market operators of the super-wise Wall street clan would put up $125,000 to finance an expedition to search the bottom of the five oceans for lost treasure trove?
They have.
Entering the basement of the building is through a door with a slip-bar arrangement and a spring lock with a wire attachment, operated by wire from the rear room. Continue reading “Gambling House of Akwai, 1906”
It is from seven to ten feet high and something like a grape fruit in shape, with rough, ugly tendrils stretching out in all directions. The trunk is black and hard as stone.
At the top of. the tree are six palpi, six feet high, that rear straight up and twine and whirl about incessantly. There is a cup also at the top which contains a clear, appetizing looking fluid. But alas for him who drinks it. He becomes peculiarly crazed and unable to get down.
Then it is that the whirling palpi twine themselves slowly but surely about the helpless man until all life is gone. This species of tree is naturally avoided as a deadly serpent would be, and the natives consider that it is actually alive and possessed of an evil and terrible spirit. (Arizona Republican, October 19, 1913)
Sacrificed to a man-eating plant. American Weekly. September 26, 1920
“Mr. Alphonse Capone” Is Host At Good-Will Spaghetti Dinner
Identity of Guests at Palm Island Estate Carefully Guarded Secret.
Evening Star, Washington DC, May 29, 1930.
Capone was released from a Philadelphia prison three months prior on March 17, 1930 after serving nine months of a one year sentence for carrying a concealed weapon. Continue reading “Spaghetti With Al Capone, 1930”
From New-York Tribune, December 20, 1903
Mummy – powdered mummy – makes one of the best and most popular colors used by artists. Every large dealer in oil paints sells powdered mummy, and almost every manufacturer of pigments has a mummy department, where, in a spice laden atmosphere, amid surroundings picturesque and grewsome, young men and women grind up the dried bodies of Egyptian princesses and priests, mix the powder with poppy oil and bottle it for the market in little tubes of tin. Continue reading “Mummy Paint, 1903”
Round trip ticket aboard the LZ 129 Graf Zeppelin, from Lakehurst NJ, August 1st, 1929
Continue reading “Cabin #7, Aug 1, 1929”
By Professor Garrett P. Serviss, the Distinguished Astronomer.
Copyright, 1912, by American-Examiner. Great Britain Right Reserved.
The Washington Herald, December 27, 1914
SUPPOSE a gigantosaurus with a length of a hundred feet and a height of twenty feet at the shoulders should come walking along the main street of the town! Wouldn’t It cause a little excitement? Continue reading “Searching for a Gigantosaurus, 1914”