Martin and Osa Johnson got their start filming wildlife documentaries in 1909 with “Fishing with dynamite in the Solomon Islands.” Through the years they produced 25 films, some for the big screen like Congorilla and Borneo,while others were for the lecture halls of academia. The footage shot for these films was obtained from their various expeditions. Their 1st expedition was in 1917 to the South Seas, while their last took them to Borneo in what they described by FOX as a flying safari. Continue reading “Martin & Osa Johnson”
Author: Romeyn
The Best of Manhattan Transfer, 1981
Cagney and Young
Will Rogers, 1932
Ellington Fantasy
Colt 1917
Zeigfield Follies, 1945
The late, great impresario Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. looks down from Heaven and ordains a new revue in his grand old style. (IMDb)