This is the Humanity test.
It was originally designed to give a scale as to how "human" a Cyberpunk character was.
Because of the size of this file (83k) it will take a little time to load.
The script will take about 6 seconds to calculate the results of your answers
If you take this for yourself, don't blame me.
Yes? |
1. Have you ever killed a person? |
2. That you knew personally? |
3. That you loved? |
4. Whose identity you didn't know? |
5. On your own team? |
6. Working for a friendly corp or govt? |
7. In your family? |
8. A sibling? |
9. Have you ever killed a person with your bare hands? |
10. With a hand weapon? |
11. Indirectly (bomb, poison, etc)? |
12. With a vehicle? |
13. By pushing them from a height? |
14. Through an employee, an animal, or a remote system? |
15. By setting them up so that someone else would kill
them? |
16. By using someone else as a decoy? |
17. By using someone who didn't know they were acting as
a decoy? |
18. Have you ever sold your body for money/favors/etc? |
19. Have you ever sold someone else? |
20. Have you ever sold body parts for money/favors/etc? |
21. Someone else's? |
22. Have you ever hired yourself out to procure such
people? |
23. Have you ever sold someone else's cyberwear for money/favors/etc? |
24. Have you ever killed a person in a vehicle? |
25. From a moving vehicle? |
26. In fair combat? |
27. In combat when on their side (friendly fire isn't)? |
28. In a public place? |
29. In a "neutral" area? |
30. In a hospital/ripperdoc clinic? |
31. In their office? |
32. In their home? |
33. In your home? |
34. In a religous area (church, graveyard, chapel, etc)?
35. In public (ie someone saw it happen)? |
36. In front of a witness on purpose? |
37. Inside a corp building friendly to you? |
38. Friendly to your target? |
39. Inside any corp/govt stronghold/zero-zone/bunker/etc? |
40. On TV? |
41. Live? |
42. Have you ever killed someone with poison? |
43. With a disease or virus (must have been deliberately infected)? |
44. With a bomb? |
45. By strangulation? |
46. By drowning? |
47. By torture? |
48. Through blood loss/shock (ie kneecapped and left to
die)? |
49. Unarmed (ie with hands, cyberwear, teeth, etc)? |
50. By burning the building/vehicle down around them? |
51. With dousing/injecting/immersion in acid, toxic waste, etc? |
52. Have you ever killed someone at random (ie gun into
a crowd)? |
53. Out of rage/love/fear/other strong, spur-of-the-moment emotion? |
54. Accidentally? |
55. For fun? |
56. For no reason? |
57. For clothing or food? |
58. To use AS clothing or food? |
59. In self-defense? |
60. For their money? |
61. For their position? |
62. Because they were a rival? |
63. Because someone asked/told you to? |
64. Because someone paid you to? |
65. In the line of duty/on the job (ie not a specific target)? |
66. As part of a religous or gang ritual? |
67. To "send a message" to someone? |
68. Because they were shooting at someone else (not
you)? |
69. Because they were shooting at someTHING else? |
70. Because they drew a gun (or other weapon, or
offensve cyberwear)? |
71. Because they were in your way? |
72. Because they were witnesses? |
73. Because they were there? |
74. Because you felt like it? |
75. Because they "asked for it"? |
76. Have you ever killed more than one person at once? |
77. Have you ever killed a large group at once (car bomb, bomb on SO,
gassing)? |
78. Have you ever killed one or more bystanders along
with your target? |
79. Can you see in more than one spectrum? |
80. Do you change spectrums without realizing it? |
81. Do you weigh more than 5 lbs. per inch of height? |
82. Can you bend aluminum (assume 1 cm thickness)? |
83. Iron? |
84. Steel? |
85. Titanium? |
86. Armor plate? |
87. Can you lift more than your own weight? |
88. More than your car's weight? |
89. Can you puncture metal with your hands (or other
body part)? |
90. Can you run faster than an average person? |
91. Faster than an average car? |
92. Faster than a speeding car? |
93. Can you determine your location with only your own
internal systems? |
94. Have you ever had one or more orbital-designed cybersystems implanted?
95. Do you have one or more non-melee weapons installed?
96. Have you ever had an AI or smart system implanted to monitor your
systems? |
97. Can you shrug off 5mm gunfire (ie maybe take damage,
but function unimpaired? |
98. 9mm? |
99. 10mm? |
100. 12mm? |
101. 20mm? |
102. If you were set aflame, would you be killed? |
103. Would you be damaged? |
104. Would you notice? |
105. Would you care? |
106. Would you, with only your "body", set off a conventional
metal detector? |
107. Have you ever been arrested? |
108. Convicted? |
109. Imprisoned? |
110. Had a warrant issued for your arrest? |
111. For your termination? |
112. In more than one state? |
113. In more than one country? |
114. In an orbital station? |
115. Do these records still exist? |
116. Have you ever been pardoned or had charges dropped? |
117. Have you ever escaped a sentence early (ie
jailbreak, bribe, etc)? |
118. Have you ever had one or more limbs replaced? |
If yes with a cyberlimb or a
limb from someone you knew, double points. |
119. Have you had any part of your body plated? |
120. Have you replaced one or more major organs? |
121. One or more sensory organs (not including skin)? |
122. Your skin? |
123. Have you ever been full-body plated? |
124. Body converted? |
125. Have you ever owned/been assigned to more than more
body at once? |
126. Sought psychological counseling for cyberpsychosis? |
127. Been forced into cyberpsychological counseling? |
128. Have you ever had body parts replaced because of
damage? |
129. Because you wanted an upgraded body part? |
130. Because you wanted an item implanted that
necessitated the replacement of the part? |
131. Because you didn't like the part? |
132. Because it was fashionable? |
133. Because you had spare cash? |
134. Because you were drunk/smashed (does not include
cyberliver)? |
135. Because it was required for a job or gang? |
136. Have you ever been involved in a major war? |
137. Minor war? |
138. Corporate war? |
139. Corporate or government covert operation? |
140. Gang war? |
141. Bar brawl? |
142. Started any of the above? |
143. Caused any of the above (not necessarily the same thing)? |
144. Have you ever commited murder 1? |
145. Rape? |
146. Arson? |
147. Kidnapping? |
148. Theft of valuables? |
149. Theft of equipment or information (electronic funds count)? |
150. Theft of a body (not necessarily human)? |
151. Organlegging? |
152. Drug manufacturing? |
153. Alteration of information or electronic funds? |
154. Have you ever used skillchips? |
155. Multiple skillchips simultaneously? |
156. Personality chips? |
157. Mood-altering chips (stress, adrenalin, etc)? |
158. Have you ever learned skills from using skillchips
repeatedly? |
159. Have you ever been used AS a personality chip? |
160. Have you ever belonged to a government or corporate
combat team? |
161. A black ops team? |
162. A major street gang? |
163. A police or security force? |
164. A poser gang? |
165. Have you ever used Smash? |
166. Dorphs? |
167. Black Lace? |
168. Memory enhancers? |
169. Other personality-altering chemicals? |
170. Experimental chemicals? |
171. Have you ever used the Net? |
172. Jacked into the Net? |
173. Used a cyberdeck for any other purpose (ie remote
operation)? |
174. Been attacked by ICE? |
175. Used life-support equipment to remain in the Net? |
176. Remained in the Net for longer than a 24-hour period? |
177. Have you ever been "possessed" by a Net
entity (ie Lich program, AI, etc)? |
178. Have you ever had an AI or other entity share your body (ie through
means of cyberware)? |
179. Have you ever done either of the above as the
controlling agent? |
180. Have you ever suffered from virtual reality addiction? |
181. Net addiction? |
182. Have you ever constructed or bought a Virtual Reality with the
intention of retiring
there (ie spending more than half of your time
within)? |
183. Have you ever lost a limb to damage? |
184. A major organ? |
185. A sensory organ? |
186. Have you ever been addicted to one or more substances? |
187. Braintaped? |
188. Cloned? |
189. Have you ever flatlined, then recovered? |
190. Died, and been brought back with vat-grown clones and a braintape? |
191. Hospitalized (or otherwise treated) for
cyberpsychosis? |
192. Have you ever suffered traumatic amnesia? |
193. Suffered trauma-induced insanity? |
194. Have you ever been braindanced? |
195. Personality altered in any other way (ie braintape
overwrite)? |
196. Have you ever been burned over more than 50% of your body? |
197. Have you ever suffered seizures, blackouts, or
other ill effects as a
result of exposure to an EMP burst? |
198. A chemical agent (mace, teargas, mustard gas, etc)? |
199. Have you ever suffered a major organ failure
(appendicitis, heart attack, liver failure, etc)? |
200. Have you ever suffered any of the above effects as a result of a
disease, virus, or overdose? |
201. Have you ever been physically involved with someone
(ie more than once)? |
202. Emotionally? |
203. With a family member? |
204. With a clone? |
205. With your own clone? |
206. With an inanimate object? |
207. With an animal? |
208. With an exotic? |
209. With a corpse? |
210. Have you ever killed someone to use as a corpse in this way? |
211. Forced a partner into relations? |
212. Have you ever become physically or emotionally involved with someone
for their body? |
213. In order to kill them? |
214. In order to replace them? |
215. Have you ever had a family member die at someone's
hands? |
216. At your own? |
217. Have you ever hurt someone (broken limb or worse)
to prove a point? |
218. To win an argument? |
219. To get their attention? |
220. To get information from them? |
221. To get information from someone else? |
222. To win a bet? |
223. Because you were bored? |
224. To get something from them (money, valuables, clothes)? |
225. To use their body for parts (ie selling them or
transplanting them)? |
226. To subdue and capture them? |
227. Have you ever kept items as trophies (ID cards,
license plates, weapons, etc)? |
228. Body parts? |
229. Bodies? |
230. Living people? |
231. Have you ever eaten raw meat? |
232. Human flesh? |
233. Living flesh (human or other)? |
234. Have you ever drunk human blood from an artificial source (IV, plasma
unit, etc.)? |
235. From a fresh source (living or only recently
killed)? |
236. Animal blood (from either source)? |
237. Have you ever been psychologically addicted to
blood (any source)? |
238. To raw flesh (any source)? |
239. Have you ever experimented with vivisection or
dissection for non-medical purposes? |
240. Removed or transplanted body parts (not your own)? |
241. Your own (with or without anesthesia)? |
242. Sculpted corpses as an art form? |
243. Sculpted living subjects as an art form? |
244. Collected people of a particular type (living or dead) as art? |
245. Have you ever attempted to "build a perfect
person" out of assembled parts? |
246. Have you ever killed or collected specimens for such a project? |
247. Have you ever implanted cyberwear into an
unwilling/unaware subject? |
248. Have you ever implanted experimental cyberwear in such a subject? |
249. Have you ever used chemicals on an
unwilling/unaware subject? |
250. Experimental chemicals? |
251. Have you ever had experimental chemicals or
cyberwear used on you (with or w/o consent)? |
252. Have you ever carved scars/tatoos/ID marks/etc in a subject? |
253. In an unwilling subject? |
254. Yourself (you carved your own marks)? |
255. Have you ever rejected a job because of ethical
objections? |
256. Because of legal objections? |
257. Because of personal conflicts (target was someone
you knew, etc)? |
258. Because you didn't want to be involved with the prospective employer?
259. Because you felt it was beneath you? |
260. Beyond you? |
261. Because it took you some place you didn't want to
be? |
262. Because it took you away from your home area? |
263. Because it would take too long? |
264. Because someone you knew needed the job more? |
265. Because you didn't want to deal with the
competition for the job? |
266. Because you didn't want to work with someone else on the team? |
267. Have you ever accepted a job because it would get
you out of a dangerous area? |
268. Because it would get you out of/away from (potential) trouble? |
269. Because you needed the money, regardless of the
personal price? |
270. For the fun of it/for something to do? |
271. Have you ever accepted a job, then double-crossed
your employer? |
272. Have you ever been double-crossed BY an employer? |
273. Have you ever accepted more than one job at once
with conflicting purposes? |
274. Have you ever walked out on a job uncompleted for any reason other
than the pay? |
275. Have you ever accepted a bribe not to complete a
job? |
276. Have you ever failed to complete a job? |
277. Have you ever been given incorrect/incomplete
information about a job, then
been paid by your employer normally? |
278. Have you ever subcontracted a job out to someone else? |
279. Have you ever collected information for the
purposes of blackmail? |
280. Have you ever blackmailed someone? |
281. Have you ever falsified information to blackmail
someone? |
282. Have you ever been blackmailed? |
283. Have you ever killed anyone or had them killed
because they were blackmailing you? |
284. Have you ever double-crossed someone who agreed to submit to being
blackmailed? |
285. Has anyone ever been killed by someone else because
they possessed
knowledge they could blackmail you with,
whether or not they intended to do so? |
286. Have you ever started a mercenary group? |
287. Have you ever freelanced for a major corporation or government? |
288. Have you ever founded a country? |
289. A religon or political movement? |
290. A criminal organization? |
291. A major street gang (ie one capable of dealing with the NCPD)? |
292. Inspired a poser gang? |
293. Founded a corporation or business with the intention of competing
with the ""big boys"" (ie
Arasaka, Militech, Network 54, etc)? |
294. Have you ever run for government office (any
government)? |
(In the following "career" questions, "as a direct
result" means within a month.) |
295. Have you ever toppled a government as a direct
result of your actions? |
296. A major politician? |
297. A minor corporation? |
298. A major corporation? |
299. A mega-corp? |
300. A religon? |
301. Installed a government or incited a rebellion? |
302. Started/starred in a major ""urban legend"" (to
be major, it must have been
repeated by someone not directly involved in at
least 10 cities)? |
303. Actually caused a govt or corporate reform which
worked? |
304. Exposed a major scandal which resulted in a noticeable change in the
world order? |
In this category, each question will have two parts. The
first is as written.
The second is "Would you (again)?" Each part scores seperately.!!! |
Would you
(again)? |
305. Have you ever risked death (ie firefight, burning
building, speeding
vehicle) for profit (bet, dare)? |
307. For a friend's life? |
309. For a teammate's life? |
311. For someone you didn't know? |
313. Because someone asked you to? |
315. For an animal? |
317. For fun? |
319. To fulfil a contract/obligation (legal)? |
321. To keep your word? |
323. To prevent some occurance? |
325. To cause some occurence? |
327. Because you were forced or blackmailed? |
329. For an opponent's life? |
330. On behalf of someone who wasn't there (ie hostage)? |
331. Have you ever healed someone's mortal wounds? |
332. Stabilized someone until better trteatment could be provided? |
333. Revived someone who had flatlined? |
334. Donated blood or organs for someone? |
335. Healed your own wounds? |
336. Cauterized or amputated to save someone's life? |
337. Killed someone or had them die because you were not
skilled enough? |
338. Because of a lack of materials or drugs? |
339. Had someone die because of an accidental OD or
mis-application? |
340. Failed to provide treatment you were capable of? |
341. Killed a patient deliberately (with or without
making it seem accidental)? |
342. Have you ever given an order or otherwise caused to
be set in motion any
operation which resulted in massive public
property damage? |
343. Which resulted in major injuries for a hostile or neutral force? |
344. For a non-combatant group? |
345. For a friendly force not involved in the op? |
346. Which resulted in major loss of life for a
neutral/hostile force? |
347. For a non-combatant group? |
348. For a friendly force not involved in the op? |
349. Which resulted in long-term loss of life through disease, toxins, or
destruction of resources (ie toxic dumping,
urban pacification, etc) |
350. For a non-combatant group? |
351. For a friendly force not involved in the op? |
352. Which resulted in mass destruction of property or
shelter? |
353. For a non-combatant group? |
354. For a friendly force not involved in the op? |
355. Which resulted in the destruction of an entire hostile or neutral
town, or other discrete population? |
356. Of a non-combatant group? |
357. Of a friendly force not involved in the op? |
358. Have you ever participated in any of the above ops?
359. Volunteered? |
360. Have you ever let someone die when you were capable
of preventing it? |
361. Stopped a crime you were not involved in? |
362. COMPLETED a crime you were not involved in (ie
mugged EVERYBODY)? |
363. Led or deliberately sent someone to their death? |
364. Have you ever personally undertaken an operation
for a good cause? |
365. Have you ever undertaken an operation because it had to be done? |
366. Have you done either of the above against a group
which was publicly
popular (ie corruption in the Red Cross)? |
367. Against a group which was much more powerful and/or dangerous than it
seemed? |
368. Against a group which fit both of the above
criteria (eg Universal Brotherhood)? |
369. Have you ever attempted to apprehend or kill a criminal because he
was affecting an
area or group you were connected with (the
Friendly Neighborhood Full-Body Borg)? |
370. Have you ever attempted an op against a particular
public figure for
the fame involved? |
371. Against a public figure to set an example (ie assassinating the
President)? |
372. Have you ever raised a group of non-professionals
in order to send them
to attack something (ie the famous Rockerboy
trick)? |
373. In order to provide a distraction? |
374. In order to get rid of them? |
375. In order to get rid of a particular person or faction among them? |
376. For the fame involved? |
377. Have you ever sent such a group against a harmless target (ie rioting
against the local YMCA)? |
378. Against a vastly overpowering target (ie Girl Scout
Troop 362 vs. Arasaka Tokyo)? |
379. Have you ever attacked a particular target more than once? |
380. As part of an ongoing campaign (ie widespread
revolt against the UB)? |
381. Have you ever gotten illegal access to military
rifles or machineguns? |
382. Explosives? |
383. Vehicles? |
384. Weapons of mass destruction (ie gas, nukes, MIRVs, FAEs)? |
385. Have you ever attacked a military or corporate
facility to acquire such equipment? |
386. Have you ever used such equipment against a civilian (non-military,
non-corp) target? |
387. Have you ever sold such equipment from inside a
military or corp unit? |
388. Have you ever joined and left a unit with the specific purpose of
acquiring such equipment (ie enlist and
defect)? |
389. Have you ever used such equipment against it's
owners (ie stealing a tank,
destroying the base with it later)? |
390. Have you ever altered military or corporate information in order to
have such equipment
used against a target ("The 387th Bomb
Wing just attacked... Des Moines??")? |
391. Have you ever been involved in a conflict and used
weapons that were experimental |
392. That were banned by international law (ie mustard gas, nerve gas)? |
393. For the specific purpose of testing and/or using
such weapons? |
394. Have you ever stolen or uncovered information with
the intent of making
the truth about something known? |
395. In order to throw suspicion against someone? |
396. In order to cause reforms or necessary changes in
policy? |
397. In order to ruin someone or destroy a corp or government? |
398. Have you ever manufactured false evidence to
provoke suspicion leading to real information? |
399. Have you ever falsified duplicates of incriminating information? |
400. Do you enjoy your work? |