Arachnotrons & Masterminds

Arachnotrons are thickly armored and boast two rapid-fire plasma guns. Arachnotrons often swarm together. the Masterminds are larger versions of the Arachnotrons that usually have a Machinegun built into their mechanical bodies. Both demons have no means of mobility outside of their mechanical legs, relying solely on teleportation. 

INT: 7/10 REF: 8 TECH: 6 COOL: 10 ATTR: NA
LUCK: 4 MA: 0 BODY: 10/16 EMP: 0 Run: 0
Leap: 0 Lift: 400kg/640kg BTM: -4/-7 Save: 10/16 Damage: +2/+8
* the first number is the Arachnotron's stats, the second if the Mastermind's
Skills: Brawling 2, Awareness Notice 6, Intimidation 10, Leadership 10, Heavy Weapons 8 
Mechanical walking unit, MA 9, Run 27, Leap 6.75, SDP 35, SP 25
Armor Shell, SDP 25, SP 20
Plasma Guns (Arachnotrons) 4d6, 500km, ROF: 10, VR, 1000 rounds of ammo
Chain Guns (Masterminds) 5d5, 400km, ROF: 25, VR, 1000 rounds of ammo
though poor in H to H combat, their mechanical bodies can inflict damage, a kick from one of their legs inflicts 4d6 for the Arachnotrons and 6d6 for the masterminds
