The Marines

The basic troopers are your low ranking grunts, brought in to do the front line work when the distress call came out, their lack of experience insured they were the first to die, and in large numbers.

the Sergeants are the ranking officers in the operations on Phobos, they to fell to the onslaught. each sergeant was in command of 30 troopers.

the Heavys are your typical heavy weapons experts, they were brought in on phase two of the operations on Phobos, but even their weapons of destruction were no match against the relentless forces that occupied the surface.

the last to be brought in were the space marines, the elite forces trained to overcome all obstacles. they usually work in groups of four, using proven combat techniques. 

Space Marine Role (from Deep Space)
Space Combat
Space Survival
Zero-G Maneuver
Zero-G Combat
Pilot (OTV)
Driving or Motorcycle
Melee or Handgun
SMG or Rifle
Heavys Role
Space Combat
Space Survival
Zero-G Maneuver
Zero-G Combat
Heavy Weapons
Melee or Handgun

Support Roles: Dependant on the operation, there are many support roles that can be of use to make an operation succeed. Netrunners, MedTechs and Techies are invaluable in most cases. other roles on the other hand like to go for a ride, and usually get in the way. The two most obvious ones would be the Media and the Corp

Cybernetics: all combat units are allowed to have cybernetics, though because of the high rate of malfunction due to radiation, they must be shielded. Most Marines will have a few pieces of cyberware, if nothing more than prosthetics to replace heavily damages limbs. Of the cyberware chosen a Marine will ALWAYS select options that will give him an advantage in combat, anything else is considered worthless and dead weight.

Equipment: each member of the military unit is assigned dependant on the current operation. this usually consists of  Space Suits, Combat Suits, a combat knife, a standard issue sidearm, either a assault rifle or shotgun (Heavys will be given a rocket launcher, a chaingun or a BFG 9000), ammo for all weapons, one small med kit, light amplification goggles, and com units.

The Fallen: The Fallen are Marines that were not fortunate enough to escape the onslaught of the demon hordes as they flowed through the gates that UAC created, unfortunately for them their deaths were not the end, only the beginning. Once a soldier fell, their souls and bodies were consumed by the demonic hordes and brought back to life, with a hunger for human flesh.

Corporal Flynn "Fly" Taggart, United States Marine Corps, sn# 888-23-9912
Taggart's team was the first to arrive on Phobos, his job was to sit back and man the com console. Hours went by, he monitored the movement of his team, he heard their orders, he heard the gunfire, then nothing. After several more hours, Taggart made his way into the radioactive waste processing plant, unsure of what he would find...

INT: 8 REF: 9 TECH: 6 COOL: 10 ATTR: 5
LUCK: 10 MA: 9 BODY: 10 EMP: 2 Run: 27
Leap: 6.75 Lift:  400kg

BTM: -4

Save: 10 Rep: 6
ROLE: Space Marine
Space Combat: 8
Space Survival: 6
EVA: 3
Zero-G Maneuver: 5
Zero-G Combat: 5
Awareness/Notice: 6
Pilot (OTV): 1
Driving: 3
Handgun: 5
Rifle: 5
Heavy: 5
Hide/Evade: 4
Electronic Security: 4
Endurance: 4
Expert: Communications: 4
Equipment: one well worn battle suit, service shotgun, service pistol, MedKit, Lightamp Goggles.
Cyberware: none