Chainsaw A chainsaw used for cutting down trees, how and why it ended up on the moons of Mars is still in question
Melee 0 N C 3d6 AP - - ST -
Service Pistol Standard issue weapon, 12mm automatic pistol
(No Picture) P 0 J P 3d6+3 (9mm) 10 2 VR 100m
Assault Rifle Standard issue weapon, 5.56mm selective fire rifle
Rif +2 N P 5d6(5.56) 30 1/3/10 ST 400m
Shotgun Standard issue weapon, pump action 12 gauge shotgun
Rif -1 N R 4d6+3 5 1 VR 100m
Super Shotgun Break-open designed double barreled 12 gauge shotgun.
 can be fired either single shot or w/ both barrels. 
Rif  -1 N R 4d6+3 2 2 VR 100m
Chain Gun Standard Issue for the Heavys, the chain gun fires the same ammo as the assault rifle above
HVY 0 N R 5d6(5.56) 100 20 ST 400m
Plasma Rifle Powered by a plasma cell, these energy weapons are used in areas where hull penetration could present problems.
HVY 0 N R 3d6+4 20 20 ST 400m
Rocket Launcher Standard portable rocket launcher, listed is the damage for a standard shell, fragmentation and incinerary rounds are also available
HVY -2 N R 4d10 AP 1 1 VR 400m
BFG 9000 This is the big gun of the Marines arsenal, it fires a condensed bolt of plasma that explodes upon contact filling an area of 100m, uses 40 charges of a plasma cell per shot
HVY -2 N R 8d10 AP 1 1 ST 400m
Special Ammo  
Plasma Cells: Single cells hold 20 charges, Bulk cells hold 100
