Battlesuit: Standard Issue for those expecting to see combat in space, or zero-G situations, light servos are built into the suit making it more maneuverable offsetting the penalties normally seen with armor of this protection
SP: 25, RSP: 6, EV: +0, Duration: 6+2, Time to put on: 8 minutes, bonus +1 STR 

Combat Helmet: Standard issue helmet for all USMC combatants. incorperated into the helmet is a com unit, health scanner and homing device.
SP 25, range on com unit: 3 miles

Electronic Maps: Portable units that either tap into a complexes security grid to pull up blueprints, or downloads information gathered from outside sources (satellite imagery, thermographs, etc...)

EVA: a jetpack unit used to maneuver around in low gravity environments, each cell has enough fuel to provide 500 m/sec (see Deep Space pg 52 for rules)

Lightamp Goggles: pull all available light in and does a gamma correction for the user, allowing the user to view the area as if he was in a normal well lit room. an antidazzle function is also built in to buffer any sudden flashes of light. 

RadSuit: scattered throughout UAC's radioactive waste facilities are radiation suits used to move through the radioactive sludge that UAC recaptures, these are needed to stop undesired effects from happening to their employees.

SP: 16, RSP: 6, EV: +1, Duration: 8+2, Time to put on: 4 minutes 

MedKit: Issued to MedTechs, the MedKits are full of medicines, slap patches, and nano-surgeons injectors, as well as basic other basic first aid items..  


Nano-Surgeons: injected into a wound they can repair any single wound where the damage is 4 points or less, if the damage is more than 4 they will heal d6 - 2 worth of damage.

Stim Sticks: concentrated nutritional supplements mixed with stimulants used to keep an exhausted or wounded soldier on their feet a little longer. Adds +2 saves, + 1 cool, lasts 1d10 minutes. side effect is a headache.

Anti-Radiation Tablets: counters the effects of radiation on a body, up to 50 rads
