The Environment

The surface of Phobos and Deimos are cold, dark and quiet places. Thick dust, in some areas as thick as 3ft deep make traversing the surface difficult. There is very little gravity on either rock, a 200 lb man on earth weighs a mere 2 ounces on Phobo's surface, less on Deimos. Add to that the complete lack of an atmosphere, venturing outside the complex's walls is a very dangerous task.

To protect the personnel inside the various stations located in the 6 mile wide crater called Stickney from cosmic debris, high impact plastics and light weight metal alloys were used. 

To move about the complex effectively, weighted & magnetized boots must be worn. the temperature is kept at a constant 56.5 degrees Fahrenheit, any warmer and the radioactive sludge that the complex processes becomes volatile. 

Listed are some of the stations within the Phobos Complex: the Hangar, Nuclear Plant, Toxin Refinery, Command Control, Phobos Lab, Central Processing, Containment Area, Refinery, Command Center as well as a Military Base

Mars Planet Profile

Mass (kg)
Diameter (miles)
Gravity (Earth=1)
Escape velocity
length of day
length of year
Temperature (Fahrenheit)
Surface materials
6.42 x 10^23
5000 m/s (16474.36 ft/s)
686.98 days
95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon
68 to -220
basaltic rock and altered materials

Profiles of Phobos and Deimos

Phobos ("fear")

Deimos ("panic")
Orbit (from the center of Mars)
Mass (kg)
Size (miles)
Time to orbit Mars
Gravity (Earth=1)
Escape velocity
Temperature (Fahrenheit)
9378.5 km
1.08 (+/- 0.01) x 106
7hours 35min
7.8 m/s (25.7 ft/s)
25 to -170 degrees 
23.459 km
1.80 (+/-0.15) x 1015
30hours 18min
4.7 m/s (15.5 ft/s)
23 to -175 degrees