the Arch-Vile

This golden entity lights you on fire, and unless you immediately run out of his view, you're toast. Unfortunately, this thing can bring dead demons back to life.

INT: 10 REF: 8 TECH: 2 COOL: 10 ATTR: NA
LUCK: 4 MA: 6 BODY: 15 EMP: 0 Run: 18
Leap: NA Lift: 600kg BTM: -7 Save: 15 SP: 15 (natural)
Damage: +8
Skills: Brawling 6, Awareness Notice 7, Intimidation 10 
May cast a spell once every two rounds
Fire spell does 10d6, Range 500m, +8 to hit
Re-Spawn Spell, target must be within line of sight, spell will re-spawn a demon of same type where the old one fell, cannot re-spawn lost souls or zombies
