Posted by Harper on January 21, 2001 at 23:10:37:
In hopes of drawing in more posts here are some ideas for what to do to the characters while they are in transit. First up, make the PC's the packs outriders, this sets up all sorts of encounters and gives the PC's something to do while not in towns. Now on of my favorite ploys to deal with characters with an enflated sence of power, have them run into HiWay and deal with getting the Pack by HiWay with as few hassels as possible. Depending on how far into the Campain you are and how popular the show is, this can be as easy as simply telling HiWay who you are and maybe signing a few autographs. If the shows still new or you make HiWay hard@$$s, this is gonna be a tricky bargining session that can(and should be)roleplayed to the max. And if you have hotheads in the group who shoot first and to the devil with questions, well let them shoot it out and discover first hand how hard it is to dodge HiWay with Dog Soldiers, HiWay, and Corp Security after them for blowing away Cops on national t.v.
Next out is one of the outriders jobs is to find resupply points. When they roll into one of the sideof the road gasstations have them discover it shot to hell, the store robbed, the gaspump ripped out and tipped over and the owner, his son, and the son's girlfriend upstairs holed up in the attic shot. Now depending on how you want to play this, the girl and boy could still be alive, just criticaly injured and in serious need of medical attention or just leave everyone dead. Now depending on how thrifty you PC's are(read: are they scavangers) there is still gasoline/CHOOH(sp?) in the tanks, it's just a matter of getting to it. Also there's a muscle car in the garage with 4 flat tires and a few key peices pulled and waiting to be worked on(that's why it's still here instead of with the Shiv). Also keep in mind that while the players are checking all this out, there is a chance that the Shiv gang that did this could return at any moment to finish stripping this place bare.
Well those are all the ideas I have at the moment. Hope you enjoyed the ideas