Posted by Harper on December 28, 2000 at 23:45:16:
I know it's been awhile but without feedback on how well received my ideas were and the fact that I used up all of them at the time, have kept me away. Anyway I'm not sure how punk this idea is but it's worth a giggle or two.
The next realatively large town that the show stops at, they are met by a senoir v.p.(from 54 or show's sponser, which ever works for you) and his daughter. The character's are volenteered to "babysit" precious(the v.p.s daughter). Now it behoves the characters to watch over a spoiled, self-centered, self-indulgent little shit, who will go out of her way to make the characters lives a bloody hell. She'll scream, cry and threaten to get what she wants, be it one of the character's(male or female, your call), drugs, going to a dance club, you name it.
Some possible story ideas to play with: precious sends some signals to someone who won't take no for an answer( the players have to deal with him and his friend-one for every player + the ringleader). Somehow precious gets her hands on some drugs and o.d.s, now the players have to save her life and keep daddy from finding out what almost happened. A rival corp hears about the trip and sends a team to snatch the daughter to get leverage on the old man. Precious meets the man of her dreams, the problem for the players, he's a nomad(not that big a deal in and of itself) and the girl has given the players the slip and run off with her new love. The problem...his pack has just left town, now how do the players get her back without a major confrentation. Anyway you get the idea of how to handle this painfull little interlude in the players lives. I suggest you find the funniest way to twist the knife and run with it.