Guidelines |
The first thing one must keep in mind before creating a character for this type of campaign is that the characters involved are ordinary people in unordinary circumstances. The producers of Canvas America figured that a band of professionals tromping through the wilderness wouldn't be as interesting to watch as a band of inexperienced people.
Character points, skill points & starting levels
It is recommended that Characters are built upon a base of 60 points, a little better than the normal guy on the street, but nowhere near the level of Morgan Blackhand! Skill points are determined normally with the exception of pickup skills, you should give each character 20 points in pickups to prevent them from putting 10s in REF and INT just to pick up a few extra points. one last thing, all characters will have the skill Kith (from NeoTribes) to represent their association in a nomad pack.
No skill may start at more than 1/2 of its related stat, rounded down, and skill multipliers (like some Martial Arts) should be enforced during creation.
Starting Money and Equipment
all characters will start with money as prescribed in the main book, going off of their Special Ability score. No more than 1500eb should be applied towards Cybernetics Except in cases of medical replacement.