[NEW!!!] Constrictor

From our "less-than-lethal" dept. comes this innovative pistol. firing a preloaded round this ammo will entangle your opponent, preventing him from fleeing! Great for Police Depts everywhere. The is also a more lethal round designed for the Constrictor that replaces the binding cord with a monofilament wire, allowing it to act as a flying garrote!
Another round has been developed with two grenades with a 3 second delay attached to the ends of the cord.

NOTE: To escape the entanglement, the victim must make a difficult dex roll, escape bonuses may be applied, if the victim is hit in the head on a roll of 1-3 the round has hit the neck causing the victim to choke, escape as above, but causes 2d6 +3 damage per turn until free

With the monofilament version, damage is 4d6, (AP as per Monoblades) after a hit on hard armor, roll a d10, a roll of 1 means the monowire has found a seam and causes AP damage as if soft armor.

Entangle Rounds cost 3eb each, 1eb to reload, Monofilament rounds cost 10eb each, no reload possible. Grenade Rounds cost 35 eb each.












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