The Worker City

Once proclaimed a "Wonder of the World", the worker city was an engineering marvel. A fully self-contained subterranean city complete with buildings that doubled as a support for the ceiling some 20 stories above. The artificial lighting allowed for a consistent ambience for the quarter of a million people who would live here. 

To arrive at the worker city one has to use the large lifts that move between the machine rooms above and the city below. Originally these were built to transport down the materials needed to build the city, but now they are used to move workers from their homes to the machine rooms. 

In the early 2000s Joh Fredersen started to bring people in to occupy the worker city. The first to arrive were the indentured servants, the last were non violent criminals. They and their families were each assigned a number, and a job running the machines above until their dept was paid in full. Their jobs consisted of ten hours on the job and ten hours off, they are quite literally slaves to the machines and the system. 

Except during the shift change, the city is remarkably quiet, only the rumbling of the water through the pipes can be heard. A large bell in the center square was originally used to signal emergency warnings, now just sits there waiting to be rung. 

Overall, the crime is very low in the area. The workers lives are already difficult, they do not want any undue interference from the bosses in the upper city. Troublemakers, once found are quickly removed from the city, one way or another. Most are disposed of in the catacombs. Vigilante justice is the rule of law  

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