
The drug of choice in Metropolis is a concoction that's roots come from the Pacific Rim. It is believed that Sheridan from Yoshiwara's House of Sin introduced it to the "Club of the Sons". Since that time it has been passed among the influential circles and then down to street level. The effects of the drug put the user in an Euphoric Trance that bolsters their confidence. It is very popular among the night clubs and sex shops that are spread throughout METROPOLIS. 

With any drug there are also the unpleasant side effects. After coming off of the high users will be depressed, tired and dizzy. For the well-to-do users, they are usually confined to the comfort of their own home, while those less fortunate find themselves in an alley in the lower city, shaking, cold and wanting to end it all right there.

Drug Effects:
Attribute Increase: + 2 COOL

Untimed Side Effects:
Slightly Psychologically Addictive
Drug Features:
Longer Duration

Timed Side Effects:
Strength: +2
Difficulty: 34
Duration: Medium
  (1d6x20 minutes)
Legality: Type A Illegal
Drug Form: Powdered/Snorted
Time to Effect: 1d2 Min
Purchase Price: 340 M

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