METROPOLIS' transportation system is a marvel in and of itself. in a city of 30 million inhabitants. Moving about in the Upper city can be done with relative ease. The plans for a mass transit system started early on in the designing and building of METROPOLIS, of which the primary mode is the sky rails. These trams are fast and efficient traveling over a web of track that spreads throughout the upper city. add to that elevated roadways for those who prefer to own their own vehicle.
Ownership of personal vehicles is very limited considering the lack of actual roadways and parking, as a result only about 2 million vehicles can be found inside the city proper, residents are "encouraged" to use the public transport system.
Another form of transportation that has grown in popularity are personal dirigibles which are seen traversing through the maze of buildings that crisscross the sky.
All the forms mentioned are for the Upper city, the lower city is another matter. older vehicles clutter the streets, fuel is expensive and instead of fast, clean and efficient sky rails, the people in the lower city have to rely on subways.
Housing, as one can guess, depends on how much a person can afford. One will not find individual houses in Metropolis, even in the wealthy districts, there isn’t enough room.
High-rise condos and apartments instead infest buildings from top to bottom, some residences take up several floors, while others are nothing more than a dorm that a leaser has to share. The standard dorm consists of a built-in bed, desk and closet for each occupant (normally two).
The more expensive condominiums may have “Balcony Gardens” available to the tenants since most do not
have access to a yard.
Most apartments prohibit any pets bigger than a
rat, condos, on the other hand, allow some pets, but there are strict size
and “clean up after your pet” rules.
Because of this felines and
rodents are the most popular pet, as canines are too much of a burden.
Most buildings built for housing hold one thousand 850 square foot living units, this it the total floor space including the bathroom and storage areas, they are efficient models designed for use by up to two people. a family unit of four usually fits within the 1000 square foot floor plan
Outside of the sphere of influence that surrounds the Fredersen Tower shadows take over, both literally and figuratively.
The lower portions of the city never see the sun, save that one brief moment in a day when the sunlight squeezes past the roads, pipes and walkways above. The streets below instead, are constantly lit by hazy halogen bulbs, hanging from steel poles that line the streets.
On the same note, the lower city, never receives rain, not directly anyway. While it rains above, the lower levels are treated to a river of muddy liquid that has flowed over the walls and roadways of the upper city. Luckily, one traversing the streets below can avoid getting wet even if there is a torrential downpour above. The humid conditions of the lower city can be seen as moisture cause by condensation drips from the undersides of the steel pipes and iron supports that hold up the upper city.
Temperatures in the lower city seem to be constant, during the summer the stagnant air remains warm and humid thanks to the shadows of the buildings above while the winters are cool and damp with no wind. A slushy film seems to cover the roadways thanks to the combination of humidity and temperature.