Joh (John) Fredersen - the Master of Metropolis
are where they must be, they are what they must be"
Over the last 30 years the city of Metropolis has been transformed from an old seaside town to a city of 50 million people, all because of the work of one man, Joh Fredersen. Joh Fredersen is a visionary and financial genius. Working with the worlds financial centers he drew in billions of dollars, allowing his dreams to become reality.
Joh Fredersen is a very cold and calculating individual, he knows what he wants done and it doesn't matter what the consequences are.
INT 11, REF 6, TECH 8, COOL 10, ATTR 7, LUCK 9,
MA 5, BODY 6, EMP 3, BTM -2, Save 6
Role: Corporate
Resources 11, Awareness/Notice 9, Human Perception 7, Education 7, Library Search 4, Social 8, Persuasion 10, Stock Market 9, Wardrobe and Style 4, Personal Grooming 4, Oratory 4, Accounting 10, Engineering 6
Cyberware: None
Freder Fredersen
it fill you with horror to know so many shadows, so many phantoms, to be working
at your work?"
Track star, musician, and playboy son of industrialist John Fredersen. Freder falls for Maria (below) who comes into his life, and awakens him to the disparity below in the machine rooms and the worker's city. Through the various events described in the Chapter Doomsday is breaking - !, Freder becomes the hero to the workers and eventually a mediator between them and the Masters of the city.
INT 7, REF 8, TECH 7, COOL 9, ATTR 7, LUCK 7, MA 8, BODY 7, EMP 9, BTM -2, Save 7
Role: Corporate
Resources 8 (thanks to his father), Awareness/Notice 4, Human Perception 6, Education 5, Library Search 4, Social 4, Persuasion 2, Stock Market 2, Wardrobe and Style 4, Personal Grooming 4, Athletics 5, Driving 3, Play Instrument (Organ) 4
Cyberware: None
are your Brothers"
A daughter of a worker living in the Underground City Maria grew up understanding the hardships facing the overworked slaves that were her parents and friends.
After many years she became the counselor and spiritual leader to the workers in the Worker city. She taught the workers patience and other ideals she learned off of the Priest Desertus when she snuck off to the lower city.
After it is discovered that she has some influence over Freder, Joh has her kidnapped and she is replaced by Futura, with her likeness.
INT 7, REF 6, TECH 5, COOL 6, ATTR 8, LUCK 6, MA 6, BODY 5, EMP 9, BTM -2, Save 5
Role: Spiritual Leader (rockerboy)
Charismatic Leadership 6, Awareness/Notice 6, Human Perception 9, Persuasion 7, Education 1, Oratory 5, Streetwise 5
Cyberware: None
Man-creator makes himself a woman. I do not believe the first human being was a
C.A. Rotwang, a quite mad scientist is the creator of Futura, the robot Joh Fredersen ordered to replace the workers in the underground. Rotwang was driven mad over the loss of Hel, John's wife, who dies giving birth to Freder.
Rotwang, though a genius, isn't very lucky. he lost his right arm which had to be replaced with a cybernetic one because of an accident concerning the mixture of Aetro-oil and quick-silver.
Rotwang believes Joh stole Hel away from him, and intends to use his mahine-man to destroy Joh, Freder and Metropolis!
INT 10, REF 7, TECH 10, COOL 8, ATTR 5, LUCK 6, MA 5, BODY 7, EMP 5, BTM -2, Save 7
Role: Techie
Jury Rig 7, Awareness/Notice 6, Basic Tech 10, Cyber Tech 7, Education 3, Electronics 9, Robotics 8, System Knowledge 5, Physics 6, Mathematics 7
Cyberware: Cyberarm (right), Standard hand, Plastic covering
Not yet.... But very soon...."
Slim is Joh Fredersen's bodyguard and personal assistant. Though he does not question Joh out loud, he still is bothered by the way his employer acts. In a way Slim is Joh's conscience.
After Freder runs off, Joh sends Slim after him. Freder considers Slim to be as a bloodhound, he has a special talent that lets him keep track of and follow his quarry.
With his patience, ability to breath inaudibly, and to be perfectly motionless while standing, he seems to be the personification of concentration.
INT 8, REF 8, TECH 7, COOL 9, ATTR 7, LUCK 5, MA 6, BODY 9, EMP 5, BTM -3, Save 9
Role: Corporate Operative
Combat Sense 6, Interrogation 6, Human Perception 8, Expert: Corp Admin 4, Library Search 2, Electronic Security 2, Pick Lock 2, Pistol 3, Boxing 4, Resist Torture/Drugs 6, Persuasion 6, Wardrobe and Style 2, Shadow/Track 9, Intimidate 5, Streetwise 3, Awareness/Notice 5
Cyberware: ?
knows.... that he can rely on me..."
Some people work their way up the ladder by hard work and ingenuity, others do so by using other people to make themselves look good in front of those in charge. Grot is just such a man, he repeatedly sells out his fellow workers and in return he is rewarded with the foreman position over the central Dynamo.
It is Grot that tells Joh Fredersen of the conspiracies that brew among the workers, including turning over the maps that show the way to "Sanctuary" in the ancient catacombs.
INT 6, REF 5, TECH 7, COOL 5, ATTR 5, LUCK 4, MA 5, BODY 10, EMP 5, BTM -3, Save 10
Role: Worker
Jury Rig 3, Basic Tech 5, Human Perception 2, System Knowledge 3, Persuasion 6, Intimidate 3, Streetwise 3, Awareness/Notice 3, Expert: Corp Admin 2, Machine Operation 5
Cyberware: none
will dance the dance of murderers before you....!"
Futura is the product of the mastermind Rotwang, who under orders from Joh Fredersen was to make a suitable replacement for the human workers down in the lower city.
Futura is not the first robot created in the city, but she is the first one capable of performing the monotonous duties of those she was designed to replace.
Under orders from Joh, Rotwang transfers enough of Maria's personality into the disguised robot so it infiltrate the worker's meetings.
Program: Revolutionary (rockerboy)
Charismatic Leadership 6, Awareness/Notice 7, Human Perception 9, Persuasion 7, Intimidate 7, Perform 6, Oratory 5
Options: Worker Frame, Soul Transfer, Photoskin, all standard options for vision, hearing, legs, arms.
SDP | SP | |
Head | 20/30 | 10 |
Torso | 30/40 | 10 |
Legs | 20/30 | 10 |
Arms | 20/30 | 10 |
but that was a dream...."
Josaphat was Joh Fredersen's first personal secretary. He was dismissed when he was not able to come up with the solution to what the maps of the catacombs meant. By dismissing him as he did, Josaphat was doomed to live in the lower city. Once he left Joh's office, he attempted to kill himself. He was stopped by Freder who then asked for his help. Josaphat waited in his apartment for word from Freder, instead Slim showed up, telling him to leave METROPOLIS. After a scuffle he submitted and departed. Half way through the flight Josaphat had a change of heart, killed the pilot and turned the plane around
Josaphat eventually caught up with Freder in time to help rescue the children from the floods that were consuming the worker's city.
INT 8, REF 6, TECH 4, COOL 5, ATTR 6, LUCK 5, MA 6, BODY 6, EMP 7, BTM -2, Save 6
Role: Corporate
Resources 4, Awareness/Notice 7, Human Perception 6, Education 4, Library Search 6, Social 3, Persuasion 2, Stock Market 6, Wardrobe and Style 2, Personal Grooming 2, Handgun 3, Pilot (Fixed Wing)
Cyberware: None
"And for what man are you looking, sir?"
September is the well know proprietor of Yoshiwara's House of Sin. It is unknown where September originates from, with his red hair one would guess he is from the UK, but with other features an mannerisms one could place him anywhere from Asia to the Americas and any place in between. It is with this that the fur trader from Tarnopolis was able to amass enough money, contacts and favors to open his business within the great walls of METROPOLIS.
Because of his relationship with the Masters of METROPOLIS, September has graciously allowed the "Club of the Sons" open access into his establishment, which in return has allowed September to operate his establishment any way he sees fit, without intrusion from the METROPOLIS police.
INT 9, REF 7, TECH 3, COOL 9, ATTR 6, LUCK 7, MA 5, BODY 7, EMP 8, BTM -2, Save 7
Role: Fixer
Streetdeal 8, Awareness/Notice 5, Forgery 3, Handgun 3, Brawling 3, Melee 5, Pick Lock 2, Pick Pocket 5, Intimidate 6, Persuasion 8, Wardrobe and Style 3, Personal Grooming 3, Disguise 5, Human Perception 5, Chemestry 4, Pharmaceuticals 5
Cyberware: None
"See Babylon, the Great-! The Mother of
Desertus remembers when METROPOLIS wasn't powered by massive underground generators, he remembers when the tallest building was 30 stories high, he also remembers when Joh Fredersen threatened to tear down the cathedral because it was in the way. Joh earned an arch enemy that day. Since that time Desertus and his underlings have preached the evils that is METROPOLIS and waged a war against Joh Fredersen.
Desertus serves the people that inhabit the lower city, those who are too poor to live any better that they do, from those people he finds those most worthy and initiates them into his sect referred to as the Gothics.
INT 8, REF 6, TECH 4, COOL 5, ATTR 6, LUCK 5,
MA 6, BODY 6, EMP 7, BTM -2, Save 6
Role: Religious Leader
Credibility 6, Awareness/Notice 4, Persuasion 5, Human Perception 6, Streetwise 3, Expert: Religion 5, Education 4, Oratory 4, Leadership 3, Library Search 5, Teaching 5, History 5, Persuasion & Fast Talk 4
Cyberware: None