Cyberware | Type | Location |
Advanced Muscle & Bone Lace | Biotech | Chrome4 pg17 |
Anti-Plague Nanotech | Biotech | Chrome pg39 |
ArmorWeave | Biotech | Chrome2 pg102 |
Biotechnica "Sunblocker" Sunscreen | Biotech | Chrome4 pg20 |
Biotechnica NeoLungs | Biotech | Chrome4 pg21 |
Chem Weave | Biotech | Deep Space pg60 |
Circulatory Sphincters | Biotech | Chrome4 pg22 |
Customized Biological Adaptations | Biotech | Eurosource Plus pg105 |
Dermatech Cam-O-Skin | Biotech | Chrome3 pg30 |
Enhanced Antibodies | Biotech | CP2020 |
Enhanced Senses | Biotech | Deep Space pg60 |
Flashlite Implant | Biotech | Chrome4 pg26 / Interface 1,4 pg2 |
Grafted Muscle | Biotech | CP2020 |
IHAG Nictitating Membrane | Biotech | Stormfront pg28 |
Lifesaver Skinweave | Biotech | Chrome pg39 |
Metaheme Hemological Replacement | Biotech | Chrome4 pg18 |
Muscle & Bone Lace | Biotech | CP2020 |
Muscle Enhancement | Biotech | Deep Space pg60 |
N-A C "Freezeban" Bioconstruct | Biotech | Chrome4 pg24 |
N-A C "Kaloric" Secondary Gut | Biotech | Chrome4 pg24 |
NanoAuditory Rebuild | Biotech | Chrome4 pg20 |
Nanooptical Upgrade | Biotech | Chrome2 pg8 |
Nanosurgeons | Biotech | CP2020 |
NeoAppendix | Biotech | Chrome4 pg19 |
Neural Bridge | Biotech | Chrome4 pg22 |
Nitrogen Binders | Biotech | Chrome4 pg17 |
Physiology Tailoring & Adaptations | Biotech | Chrome4 pg29 |
Poison Glands | Biotech | Chrome4 pg23 |
Quickclot Hemofibrinic Nodes | Biotech | Chrome4 pg25 |
Rad Weave | Biotech | Deep Space pg60 |
Reflex Boost | Biotech | Deep Space pg60 |
Replitech "TuffBone" | Biotech | Chrome4 pg18 |
Replitech Toxin Screen | Biotech | Chrome4 pg27 |
Retroviral Physiology Tailoring | Biotech | Eurosource Plus pg105 |
Sinus Reconstruction | Biotech | Stormfront |
Skinweave | Biotech | CP2020 |
Speed Grafts | Biotech | Chrome2 pg102 |
Tailored Pheromones | Biotech | Chrome4 pg23 |
Thermal Weave | Biotech | Deep Space pg60 |
T-MAXX Ileocecal Siphon | Biotech | Chrome4 pg28 |
Toxin Binders | Biotech | CP2020 |
Upgraded Skinweave | Biotech | Chrome2 pg9 |
Vac Weave | Biotech | Deep Space pg60 |
Cowl | Body Plating | CP2020 |
Faceplate | Body Plating | CP2020 |
Front Optic Mount | Body Plating | CP2020 |
Sense ext. ("Rabbit Ears") | Body Plating | CP2020 |
Torso Plate | Body Plating | CP2020 |
Total Body Plating | Body Plating | Chrome2 pg9 |
Alpha Class | Borg | Chrome2 pg66 |
Aquarius | Borg | Chrome2 pg67 |
Arasaka "Daioni" | Borg | Shockwave pg40 |
Brimstone | Borg | Chrome2 pg74 |
Burroughs Mars Operations | Borg | Chrome3 pg97 |
Copernicus | Borg | Chrome2 pg69 |
Dragoon | Borg | Chrome2 pg80 |
Eclipse | Borg | Chrome2 pg71 |
Enforcer | Borg | Chrome2 pg73 |
Gemini | Borg | Chrome2 pg76 |
Kildare | Borg | Chrome3 pg95 |
Samson | Borg | Chrome2 pg79 |
Sheol Hazardous Operations | Borg | Chrome3 pg93 |
Spyder Reconnaissance Duty | Borg | Chrome3 pg99 |
Wingman | Borg | Chrome2 pg77 |
Wiseman Cyberspace Commando | Borg | Chrome3 pg104 |
CyberSteroids | Borg Option | Chrome3 pg107 |
Eelskin | Borg Option | Chrome3 pg107 |
AV Tape Recorder | Built Ins | CP2020 |
Cybermodem | Built Ins | CP2020 |
Digital Recorder | Built Ins | CP2020 |
Flashbulb | Built Ins | Chrome pg35 |
Hardening | Built Ins | Interface 1,1 pg3 |
Hidden Holster | Built Ins | CP2020 |
Icer | Built Ins | Chrome pg36 |
LCD Screen Readout | Built Ins | CP2020 |
LimbLink | Built Ins | Chrome pg34 |
MiniCam | Built Ins | CP2020 |
MiniVid | Built Ins | CP2020 |
Quickdraw Armholster | Built Ins | Chrome2 pg6 |
Shielding | Built Ins | Interface 1,1 pg3 |
Slamdance Inc. Spyke! Furniture | Built Ins | Chrome3 pg30 |
Storage Space | Built Ins | CP2020 |
Techscanner | Built Ins | CP2020 |
Watch-Man | Built Ins | Chrome pg33 |
Adrenaline/Endorphin Surge | Chipware | Chrome pg75 |
Ambidexterity Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg75 |
Auditory Recognition Chips | Chipware | Chrome3 pg39 |
Behavior Chip | Chipware | Chrome2 pg102 |
BioTec "SomaWare" Sleep Induction | Chipware | Chrome3 pg37 |
Business Trip Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg74 |
Chiplok | Chipware | Chrome4 pg15 |
Corporate Officer Chip VRC | Chipware | Chrome pg76 |
Courier Chips | Chipware | Chrome p73 |
Crypto Chips | Chipware | Chrome3 pg37 |
Dataedge Stutter Chipping | Chipware | Chrome3 pg38 |
DeathTrance | Chipware | Chrome pg75 |
Digi-Tone ID | Chipware | Chrome pg73 |
Dream Suppressant Chip | Chipware | Chrome4 pg16 |
Facedown Chip | Chipware | Chrome4 pg16 |
Fish N' Chips | Chipware | Chrome pg75 |
Home Chip | Chipware | Chrome4 pg16 |
Increased Neural Feedback Option | Chipware | Chrome pg75 |
M.O. Chips | Chipware | Chrome p73 |
Maximum Lover Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg74 |
Memory Compression | Chipware | Chrome pg74 |
Military VRC | Chipware | Chrome pg76 |
Mind Games | Chipware | Chrome pg74 |
Navagation/Orientation Chip | Chipware | Chrome3 pg37 |
PhotoMemory RAM Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg74 |
Police VRC | Chipware | Chrome pg76 |
Poser Impersonation Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg73 |
Programmable Chipware | Chipware | Chrome pg74 |
Redundancy Loop | Chipware | Chrome pg75 |
Rocker VRC | Chipware | Chrome pg76 |
Secretarial VRC | Chipware | Chrome pg76 |
Security Chips | Chipware | Chrome p73 |
Shape Recognition Chipware | Chipware | Chrome4 pg15 |
Space Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg74 |
Special Operative Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg73 |
Speedreading Chip | Chipware | Chrome4 pg16 |
Stress Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg75 |
Techie Chip VRC | Chipware | Chrome pg76 |
Tourism Chip | Chipware | Chrome pg74 |
Weaponmasters MA Chips | Chipware | Chrome3 pg38 |
Amplified Hearing | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Basic Hearing Module | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Bug Detector | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Frequency Changer | Cyberaudio | Chrome pg39 |
Homing Tracer | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Level Damper | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Micro-Recording Link | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Phone Splice | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Radar Detector | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Radio Link | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Scrambler | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Spectrum Cyberaudio Implant | Cyberaudio | Chrome3 pg35 |
Tight Beam Radio Link | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Voice Stress Analyser | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Wearman | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Wearman Mark II | Cyberaudio | Chrome pg38 |
Wide Band Radio Scanner | Cyberaudio | CP2020 |
Dynalar "Digits" | Cyberfinger | Chrome pg 32 |
Dynalar "Digits" | Cyberfinger | Chrome2 pg4 |
Dynalar "Digits" | Cyberfinger | Chrome3 pg22 |
Dynalar "Digits" | Cyberfinger | Chrome4 pg4 |
Anchoring Cyberfeet | Cyberfoot | Chrome2 pg5 |
Catspaw Stealth Foot | Cyberfoot | Chrome4 pg5 / Interface 1,3 pg3 |
Grip Foot | Cyberfoot | CP2020 |
Skate Foot | Cyberfoot | Chrome pg33 |
Spike Heel Foot | Cyberfoot | CP2020 |
Standard Foot | Cyberfoot | CP2020 |
Talon Foot | Cyberfoot | CP2020 |
Web Foot | Cyberfoot | CP2020 |
BuzzHand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Cutting Torch | Cyberhand | Chrome pg36 |
Cytech Custom Cyberhands | Cyberhand | Chrome2 pg5 |
Derringer | Cyberhand | Chrome pg36 |
Dynalar hand | Cyberhand | Solo pg22 |
Dynalar Web Hand | Cyberhand | Chrome3 pg26 |
Extension Hand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Grapple Hand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Hammerhand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Independent Cyberhand | Cyberhand | Chrome pg31 |
Mace Hand | Cyberhand | Chrome pg36 |
Medical Modular Hand | Cyberhand | Chrome4 pg5 / Interface 1,2 pg3 |
Modular Hand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Ripperhand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Spike Hand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Standard Hand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Tool Hand | Cyberhand | CP2020 |
Armor | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Artificial Shoulder Mount | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Biodyne Systems "Enable" Cyberlimbs | Cyberlimb | Chrome3 pg34 |
Blitzkrieg Arc-Thrower | Cyberlimb | Chrome4 pg12 / interface 1,1 pg3 |
Corvette Cyberlegs | Cyberlimb | Chrome4 pg5 / Interface 1,4 pg2 |
Cyber Bar | Cyberlimb | interface 1,3 pg2 |
Double-Jointed Cyberlimb Option | Cyberlimb | Interface 1,2 pg3 |
Extending Leg Units | Cyberlimb | Chrome4 pg6 |
Extension Legs | Cyberlimb | Interface 1,3 pg3 |
Extra Twist Joint Addition | Cyberlimb | Chrome4 pg3 |
Hydraulic Rams | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Leg Boosters | Cyberlimb | Chrome3 pg24 |
Magnetic feet/hands | Cyberlimb | Chrome pg34 |
Microwave/EMP shielding | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Photon Mini Laser | Cyberlimb | Interface 1,1 pg3 |
Quick Change Mount | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
RealSkinn | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Reinforced Joints | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Speeding Bullet | Cyberlimb | Solo pg32 |
Standard Arm Replacement | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Standard Leg Replacement | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Superchrome | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Supersized Arms | Cyberlimb | Chrome3 pg25 |
Sycust "Fleshweave" | Cyberlimb | Chrome3 pg21 |
Sycust Join Options | Cyberlimb | Chrome4 pg6 |
Thickened Myomar | Cyberlimb | CP2020 |
Transov Soviet Cyberware | Cyberlimb | Solo pg7 |
Winch | Cyberlimb | Chrome2 pg5 |
Wyzard Tech "Romanova" Cyberlegs | Cyberlimb | Chrome3 pg31 |
AntiDazzle | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Basic Eye Module | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
ColorShift | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Cyberoptic Compass | Cyberoptic | Chrome3 pg24 |
Cyberoptic Teargas Sprayer | Cyberoptic | Chrome pg39 |
Cyclops International "Bug Eye" | Cyberoptic | Chrome3 pg23 |
Dartgun | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Digital Camera | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Dodgeball | Cyberoptic | Chrome pg39 |
Hiroshi "Tricloptics" Third eye | Cyberoptic | Chrome3 pg 28 |
Hiroshi Interferometry System | Cyberoptic | Chrome3 pg27 |
HydroSubsidium "Aquagoggs" | Cyberoptic | Stormfront pg28 |
Image Enhancement | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Infrared | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Kiroshi Monovision | Cyberoptic | Chrome4 pg9 / Interface 1,3 pg3 |
Kiroshi Optishield Options | Cyberoptic | Chrome2 pg5 |
Laser-Comm Optic | Cyberoptic | Chrome3 pg24 |
Life Vision "Revelation" | Cyberoptic | Chrome3 pg36 |
LowLite | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Micro-optics | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
MicroVideo Optic | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Nikkon Double-Slit Pupils | Cyberoptic | Chorme4 pg10 |
Nuke `Em | Cyberoptic | Solo pg22 |
OptiShields | Cyberoptic | Chrome pg31 |
Remote Eye | Cyberoptic | Chrome2 pg9 |
Targeting Scope | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Teleoptics | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Thermograph Sensor | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Times Square Marquee | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
TimesSquare Plus | Cyberoptic | Chrome pg38 |
Ultraviolet | Cyberoptic | CP2020 |
Video Cam/Transmitter | Cyberoptic | Chrome pg39 |
Video Imager | Cyberoptic | Chrome pg39 |
2 shot Capacitor Laser | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Big Knucks | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
BigRipp | Cyberweapon | Chrome4 pg11 / Interface 1,1 pg2 |
Cybersnake | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Cyphire "Spitting Cobra" | Cyberweapon | Chrome3 pg27 |
Flame Thrower | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Gang Jazzler | Cyberweapon | Chrome pg40 |
Gas Jet | Cyberweapon | Chrome pg34 |
Grapple Fist | Cyberweapon | Interface 1,1 pg2 |
Grenade Launcher | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
High Five, aka the Palm Bomb | Cyberweapon | Chrome4 pg11 / Interface 1,2 pg2 |
Husqvarna Chainripp | Cyberweapon | Chrome3 pg29 |
Micro-Missle Launcher | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Popup Gun | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Retractable Vampires | Cyberweapon | Chrome2 pg9 |
Rippers | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Scratchers | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Slice N' Dice | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Tazer Grip | Cyberweapon | Chrome pg38 |
The Bonespike | Cyberweapon | Chrome3 pg25 |
Tri-Dart Launcher | Cyberweapon | Chrome2 pg6 |
Vampires | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Weapon Mount & Link | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Whip | Cyberweapon | Chrome pg34 |
Wolvers | Cyberweapon | CP2020 |
Combat Tail | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Digigrade Legs | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Exoskeleton | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Frame Alteration | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Fur/Scales/Skinchange | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Heavy Scales | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Major Facial Mod | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Mandibles | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Minor Facial Mod | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Muzzle, Long | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Muzzle, Short | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Natural Claws | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Natural Fangs | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Retractible Claws | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Tail | Exotic | Chrome2 pg102 |
Biomonitor | Fashionware | CP2020 |
ChemSkins | Fashionware | CP2020 |
Color Gland Control | Fashionware | Chrome2 pg6 |
Cyberfacial Remounts | Fashionware | Chrome3 pg33 |
Dermatech Logo-Line Tattoos | Fashionware | Chrome4 pg13 |
Dermatech Mood Skin | Fashionware | Chrome3 pg35 |
Fresco's Personal Nano-Groomers | Fashionware | Chrome3 pg26 |
Kill Display | Fashionware | Chrome2 pg6 |
Lead's Show-Off Nails | Fashionware | Chrome3 pg36 |
Lead's Turn-On Nails | Fashionware | Chrome3 pg36 |
Light Tattoo | Fashionware | CP2020 |
Nu-Tek TVSkin | Fashionware | Chrome4 pg14 |
Shift-tacts | Fashionware | CP2020 |
Skinwatch | Fashionware | CP2020 |
Synthskins | Fashionware | CP2020 |
Techhair | Fashionware | CP2020 |
Wyzard Tech Verbal-Eyes | Fashionware | Chrome3 pg32 |
Adrenal Booster | Implant | CP2020 |
Audio/Video Recorder | Implant | CP2020 |
AudioVox | Implant | CP2020 |
Autoinjector | Implant | Chrome3 pg25 |
Bodyweight Vein Clips | Implant | Chrome4 pg10 |
CapsuleCo CyberPillow | Implant | Chrome3 pg26 |
Chemical Analizer | Implant | CP2020 |
Contraceptive Implant | Implant | CP2020 |
Dakai NewThroat | Implant | Chrome4 pg8 |
Dakai Scramble | Implant | Chrome4 pg8 |
Decentralized Heart | Implant | Chrome pg37 |
Digital Recorder | Implant | CP2020 |
Doc Richter Seismic Detector | Implant | Solo pg22 |
Dynalar "Endo-Frame" | Implant | Chrome3 pg28 |
Echolocation System Coprocessor | Implant | Chrome4 pg13 |
E-Monitor | Implant | Chrome pg38 |
Feel Good Endorphin Trigger | Implant | Shockwave pg41 |
Forked Tongue | Implant | Chrome pg35 |
Gene-Tek's See-it Transparent skin | Implant | Chrome3 pg35 |
Gills | Implant | CP2020 |
GPS | Implant | Stormfront pg28 |
Gradiated Subdermal Armor | Implant | Chrome2 pg7 |
Gyro-Stabillizer | Implant | Chrome pg38 |
Independent Air Supply | Implant | CP2020 |
Life Scan Body Monitor | Implant | Interface 1,4 pg3 |
Mediaware Cellular Phone | Implant | Chrome3 pg24 |
Midnight Lady | Implant | CP2020 pg84 |
Motion Detector | Implant | CP2020 |
Mr. Studd Sexual Implant | Implant | CP2020 |
Nasal Filters | Implant | CP2020 |
Nasal Filters | Implant | Solo pg22 |
Neural/Audio ULF Transceiver | Implant | Stormfront pg28 |
NewTeeth | Implant | Chrome4 pg7 |
OTEC Ear Valve | Implant | Stormfront pg28 |
Pacesetter 2000 Heart | Implant | Chrome pg37 |
Pacesetter Sprot Heart | Implant | Chrome pg37 |
Powerjaw | Implant | Chrome4 pg7 |
Radar Sensor | Implant | CP2020 |
Radiation Detector | Implant | CP2020 |
Rebreathers | Implant | Chrome pg36 |
RMC Enhanced Lung Series | Implant | Stormfront pg28 |
Sonar Implant | Implant | CP2020 |
Spiked Cyberlimb Cover | Implant | Interface 1,4 pg2 |
Stinger | Implant | Chrome4 pg10 / Interface 1,2 pg3 |
Subdermal Armor | Implant | CP2020 |
Subdermal Armor (Skull) | Implant | Chrome2 pg7 |
SubDermal Pocket | Implant | CP2020 |
Subdermal Viewscreen | Implant | Chrome2 pg8 |
Supercompact Braindance Recorder | Implant | Chrome3 pg23 |
Techtronica "Scangrips" | Implant | Solo2 pg25 |
T-MAXX "Cyberliver" | Implant | Chrome pg37 |
Variable-Chambered Heart Option | Implant | Chrome4 pg9 |
Voice Pattern | Implant | Chrome pg35 |
Voice Synthesizer | Implant | CP2020 |
Wet Drive | Implant | Chrome pg35 |
Zetatech Bodycomp | Implant | Chrome2 pg8 |
Frame Beta | Linear Frame | CP2020 |
Frame Omega | Linear Frame | CP2020 |
Frame Sigma | Linear Frame | CP2020 |
General Products Exoskeleton Series | Linear Frame | Chrome3 pg34 |
Basic Processor | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Boostmaster | Neuralware | Solo pg32 |
Chipware Socket | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Combat Crystal | Neuralware | Hardwired pg23 |
Cookie Cutter | Neuralware | Solo pg22 |
Cybermodem Link | Neuralware | CP2020 |
D/Tek Targeting Network | Neuralware | Solo2 pg25 |
DataTerm Link | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Hiroshi Model 100 interface plugs | Neuralware | Chrome3 pg33 |
Interface Plugs | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Kerenzikov Boosterware | Neuralware | CP2020 |
LiveWires | Neuralware | Chrome3 pg24 |
Lockdown | Neuralware | Chrome4 pg15 |
Machine/Tech Link | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Mag-Duct Spots | Neuralware | Chrome pg38 |
Memory Chips | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Militech Cyber-Detection Computer | Neuralware | Chrome4 pg14 |
Olifactory Boost | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Optical Interface | Neuralware | Chrome3 pg27 |
Pacemaker Coprocessor | Neuralware | Chrome3 pg26 |
Pain Editor | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Reflex Chips | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Smartgun 2 Smartplate Link | Neuralware | Chrome3 pg23 |
Smartgun Link | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Speedware (Sanevistian) | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Tacctile Boost | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Taste Boost | Neuralware | Chrome4 pg15 |
Think-Boom Radio Detonating Signal | Neuralware | Solo2 pg25 |
Vehicle Link | Neuralware | CP2020 |
Wedrive Access Link | Neuralware | Chrome2 pg6 |
Soviet Cyberware | Varies | Chrome4 pg7 |
All Cyberware that has been published by R.Talsorian Games for Cyberpunk 2020. (not including those found in "Hardwired" and "When Gravity Fails")