Union Aerospace Corporation - UAC

The UAC is a multi-planetary conglomerate with  divisions that deal in the production of military hardware, military and civilian grade weapons, robotics, cybernetics, ammunition, chemical products, communications, space faring vehicles, electronics, as well as extensive research and development in the aforementioned areas of trade and the processing of radioactive waste. 

UAC's assets are calculated in the billions, with offices in most major cities, and plants scattered over the globe, in space, on Earth's moon, Jupiter and Mars. UAC has influence with all major governments, and has contracts with most military organizations.

One of their last projects before the "invasion" was designing and building gates that allowed dimensional transport to and from the surface of  Phobos and Deimos. Unknown to the military, however, the scientists at UAC didn't develop these gates, they merely found them on the surface of Mars 20 years ago and were attempting to reverse engineer them so they might be able to sell the technology. Unfortunately for all involved the gates are actually a portal to an alien dimension which surprisingly looks like hell. 
